Following in the heels of recent changes to Amazon and fellow CSE Nextag, has itself just redesigned their homepage to keep up with the ever changing ecommerce landscape.
Like Nextag’s redesign, gone are the days of lengthy lists of text which are now replaced with big images which attempt to funnel users directly into their most popular pages.
Similar to Nextag, the top header has a link promoting their Facebook page, attempting to get users to register one their site; and right below that is a large clear search bar.
Immediately below that there are four tabs, breaking down results from their popular departments, brands, and a timely “Back to School” section which we assume will be updated according to the season.
Below is a comparison of their current page [right] compared to one from a previous generation [left]:
A quick scientific poll around our office shows people in favor of the redesign, which modernizes the site into the 2nd decade of the 21st century and makes for a cleaner, less clunky/text-heavy shopping experience.
Old image courtesy of: Smartlifeblog
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