
Google Shopping Holiday Webinar This Thursday

By Tinuiti Team

89% of shoppers plan to use the internet for holiday shopping this holiday season. Is your Google Shopping campaign ready for the traffic?

3 Major PLA Mistakes That Leave Money on The Table (And How To Fix Them)

This coming Thursday 11/14, our CEO Rick Backus will be hosting a webinar on how to avoid key mistakes and make more revenue on Google Shopping.


A speaker at ecommerce confrences including IRCE and Searchlove, Rick has more than 7 years of expertise in retail search.

What You Will Learn During The Webinar

During the Google Shopping Holiday webinar, Rick will highlight how to make avoid leaving money on the table with Google Shopping.

But don’t take my word for it. Watch the video below for some webinar highlights:


There are only 100 spots for this webinar, so first come first serve!


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