
3 Google Shopping Campaign Levers For More Q4 Sales

By Tinuiti Team

Yesterday Google updated Google Shopping with the Shopping Campaigns Upgrade Tool to facilitate the August switch for ecommerce advertisers.

Google Shopping Campaigns Upgrade Tool

The tool helps advertisers get started with the new Google Shopping campaign structure by creating “a shopping campaign from your regular PLA campaign” which includes campaign structure and bids from your existing campaign.

This is the final stretch. At the end of August, regular Product Listing Ad (PLA) campaigns will retire and be replaced by Shopping Campaigns.”

Google Advertisers have till the end of the month to transition Product Listing Ads to Google Shopping. With Q4 right around the corner, making the switch smoothly should be a priority for Google advertisers.

If you haven’t started the transition to Google Shopping Campaigns, check out this video for best practices on making the switch and using Google’s advanced campaign tools.

4 Critical Google Shopping Campaigns Optimization Areas for Q4

Once you’ve transitioned your PLA campaign to Google Shopping, be sure you’re set up for success on Google heading into the holiday season.

Below are 5 top areas you should be optimizing for Google Shopping for the holiday season:

1.  Feed OptimizationAdWords Q4 Strategy

Think of your Google feed as the backbone of your Google Shopping ads. If you’re strengthening those bones consistently, and working with a strong baseline- your campaign isn’t going to be standing up straight.

2. Campaign Structure

Your campaign structure is the muscle around the data feed bone for Google Shopping. You can have good bones, but a car frame doesn’t drive without an engine. Your campaign should be optimized and structured based on your products, online store, and market.

3. Optimize Google Holiday Competitive Metrics

Google AdWords advertisers are competitive with display ads on search, and will continue to vie for search result page space moving into the holiday season. Understanding your competitors metrics will help you gain an advantage for Q4, and identify areas where it may not be worth your investment to try and compete.

Increase sales on Google Shopping Campaigns for Q4

You should also optimize and analyze your Google Customer Perception, leveraging tools including Google Special Offers, Google Seller Ratings and Product Reviews. Additional feed enhancements aligned with Search Term Mining are also a good idea to increase sales for Q4, identify growth opportunities, and increase campaign efficiency.


Ready to Increase Q4 Sales on Google Shopping?

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