
How Many People Shop Online? [Infographic]

By Tinuiti Team

96% of Americans shop online, and the majority of those shoppers prefer shopping online for reasons like saving time and avoiding crowds.

However, there’s plenty more to learn about how, where, and why Americans use the internet to shop.

The ecommerce junkies over at BigCommerce put together a massive set of ecommerce statistic infographics, and we included a few of them below, along with a quick recap of the biggest takeaways.

Basic Overview of US Shoppers

ecommerce shopper behavior

Biggest Takeaways:


Ecommerce Shopper Behaviors

ecommerce shopper personas

Biggest Takeaways:


How Different Generations Shop Online

generational shopping behavior

Biggest Takeaways:


How Frequently Americans Shop Online

frequency of ecommerce shopping for americans

Biggest Takeaways:


When Americans Shop Online

where americans shop online

Biggest Takeaways:


What Americans Purchase Online (and Where)

what americans buy and where

Biggest Takeaways:


Factors That Influence Shoppers to Buy

shopper influencers

Biggest Takeaways:


Inconveniences of Shopping Online

what shoppers hate

Biggest Takeaways:


Action Items for Ecommerce Retailers

Retailers with both bricks and mortar and ecommerce sites may have the advantage in the future, as 49% of shoppers would still prefer to see a product in person before they buy.

In addition, it’s important for retailers and brands to keep an eye on the generational preferences, and tailor their shopping experience accordingly–just look at the way Millennials shop compared with Seniors. There’s quite a wide gap, and this will determine how you market and sell products successfully.

A few last tips:

1. Make sure your online shopping experience is as user-friendly (and mobile-friendly) as possible.

This is so key. Millennials shop in their car and from bed. Parents shop from the restroom. Don’t limit their options or frustrate them with a clunky mobile experience as they shop from wherever–and you’ll be rewarded.

2. Expand your online sales to Europe if you have the site and shipping capabilities.

While we know that the majority of Americans love to shop online, only 53% of global Internet users [PDF] overall made an online purchase in 2016–meaning there’s room to grow.

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