One of the initial choices that a merchant has to make when signing on to an engine is to decide whether or not they want to display their company logo on search results pages, or simply limit it to a text listing (example below).
Having experimented both ways with our merchants, we’ve generally recommended against posting logos on the listings for a few reasons.
Additional cost is too high
Shopping engines will generally charge an additional $0.10 per click for the privlelege of displaying one’s logo next to their product listings–and if the end goal is to reduce one’s cost of sale, the extra dime per click can add up quickly to a merchants overall spend on the engines.
Benefits are marginal
The goal of attaching a logo on a search result page is to improve brand recognition, or to take advantage of one’s already popular brand.
The issues here are, if you already own a popualr brand whose logo is recognized, then the text version is certainly not any less recognizable–and if you’re not quite a household name, we hardly believe a few small images flashing by on search results can help you become one.
Bottom line?
In the end if you are even moderately happy with your investment on the shopping engines, we’d strongly recommend against posting your logo up on your listings as it can dramatically increases your costs with little return.
However if you’re a merchant with overflowing cash reserves–first of all be sure to let us know some of your secrets and we’ll share some of ours ;-)–but secondly if you want to see a potential increase in traffic, adding your logo to the engines may be worth experimenting with so long as you keep a close eye on the increase in spend.
Personally I wouldn’t bet on a proportionate increase in your revenue.
Wishing you a happy feeding experience
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