
New LinkedIn Layout?

By Tinuiti Team

This morning I noticed that the box which contain’s an individuals most important profile information had changed.

It’s more spacious and includes more grey than previous versions. I’m not the biggest fan of the redesign, but I am a big fan of LinkedIn.

But for whatever reason the engagement factor on LinkedIn is not as comprehensive or consuming as Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.

And maybe that’s how they planned it to be.

Certainly the value I get from LinkedIn is immense, but I think there could be more. There’s not enough conversations that go on there. Not enough real connections formed.

What you can do:

But there’s no engagement. Not enough, at least.

What Google+ is doing with circles is what LinkedIn should have been doing years ago.

What’s your opinion on LinkedIn and do you see it as part of your social media portfolio in 2015?

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