
3 Reasons Why You Need to Download the Google Primer App

By Tinuiti Team

In 2013, a colleague asked me if I would like to participate in a focus group that was being held a block away from my office at the time for “people with over 5 years of SEM experience”. One hour of my time for $200 — so I thought, “why not?” and I attended. A few weeks later I came to find out that Google had hired a research company to conduct this focus group as they were looking for a Search Engine Marketer that could help advise them and write SEM-related content for a new mobile app they were developing. The goal of the app, which eventually became Google Primer, was to teach people the concepts of Digital Marketing in a digestible, “gamified” format.

With Elite SEM’s focus on education and my personal interest in this area, along with my years of experience and teaching background, I had a lot to say on the questions that were asked in the focus group. I was ultimately chosen by Google to work in the Google NYC Headquarters with an amazing team of people for the 4th quarter of 2013.

Why is Google Primer a Valuable App for You?

1) The app goes way beyond Paid Search/SEM — the content has been built by experts across many industries, so there is something for everyone to learn, and you can choose which subjects you are interested in.

2) This is a great, free learning resource that could help teach you why you see the advertisements you see and why the websites you go to look the way they look if you have no experience with Digital Marketing. You can spend 10-15 minutes to learn interesting things you never knew and then start dropping knowledge on friends and family.

3) If at some point in the future you will have the responsibility of teaching, this is a great way for you to see Google’s approach to teaching. From firsthand experience, I can tell you that Google spent a lot of time and money on research and testing to learn the best ways to teach. You will find lessons in this app to be fun, fulfilling, and bite-size. A lot of the concepts that went into building this app come from the concepts of B.J. Fogg’s Tiny Habits, which in my interpretation means the lessons are not overbearing, they only ask you to learn a little bit at a time and teach you how to incorporate those behaviors into your everyday habits.

As a professional, I highly recommend this app. Aside from the fact that I helped create some lessons, this app encompasses so many benefits in an easy to digest format. If you download this app, you will not be disappointed.

Make sure to check out my lessons:

Have the app? Here’s the direct link to my lesson:


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