Increasing non-branded order volume is what every e-commerce site dreams about when investing in SEM. There are dozens of different factors that contribute to non-branded campaign success but our job is as marketers is identify and increase these areas. Below I have listed 5 tips to boost non-branded orders on your e-commerce site using SEM.
- Seasonal Trends
Every e-commerce client has seasonal trends. Some might be more drastic than others but they are there. Identifying how these trends affect your account and adjusting your strategy can increase order volume.
Let’s take women’s apparel for example. Its march and you think one pieces swimsuits are making a comeback this summer. Creating and bidding on keywords around one-piece swimsuits in March can help you capture early adopters and make a name for self in the swimwear market. This also allows you to build up some performance data to increase your quality score. Eventually this will lower your CPCs while your competitors are just entering the market a couple months down the road.
- Inventory
Low inventory levels is one of the easiest ways to drive users away from your site. If you are going to advertise a general or specific type of product make sure you have enough inventory for people to choose from. If your inventory starts to dwindle start pausing broad match keywords and head terms to maintain your strong ROI.
On the flip side if you see a product taking off expand your coverage and make sure you are not missing out on any relevant search queries. Look at last year’s performance numbers and confirm you have enough inventory to account for this year’s demand.
- Analytics
Take a look at your analytics tools to see which products are selling well on your other channels and compare them to your SEM account. If you don’t have coverage on these products, this should help prioritize where you should expand and where you can see the most growth. You should be checking this on a bi-monthly basis.
- Boost top performers
Identify your top 10 products in terms of order volume from SEM and make sure you have complete coverage on them. Are you advertising on mobile? Are you sitting in the top 3 positions? Do you have all match types built out? Have you reviewed your search query reports? Have you reviewed your impression share reports? If you said no to any of these questions look into these and make the necessary adjustments.
- Think outside the box
Think outside the box about your users and the type of products they are looking for. Let’s take women’s purses for example. If someone is searching for a “Louis Vuitton purse” I know that user is looking for an upscale purse, has disposable income and may be willing to settle for a different designer if the price is right. I can run a generic ad advertising upscale designer purses by Gucci, Coach, and Chanel. This ad would direct users to a page with these Louis Vuitton competitors on it. If the purse is cute enough and the price is right users may buy right then.
First, take a look to your users and market trends for areas of growth and expansion. Second, look internally at your other products and inventory and identify if you have any other areas that are performing well for you. Use your knowledge to prioritize what projects to complete first based on return on investment.
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