Study: Google PLAs Drive 20% of Overall Store Performance Thanksgiving Weekend

We just released our first annual Black Friday & Cyber Monday Google Shopping Report, and our study yielded some interesting results.
In a nutshell, we randomly sampled a portion of our clients and looked at their overall store and Google Shopping performance over Thanksgiving weekend (11/28 – 12/2). What we found is that, on average:
Translation: Product Listing Ads are a significant traffic and revenue driver during peak shopping periods.
And it’s growing up fast.
Looking at the YOY performance numbers (compared with last Thanksgiving weekend, 11/22 – 11/26/12), Google Shopping was on average:
For both shoppers and retailers, Google Shopping is poised for some big things in 2014. Our study reaffirmed that Google Product Listing Ads will continue to be a huge contributor to overall store performance, especially during the traffic-heavy Q4 shopping season. Check out more insights on Google Shopping over Thanksgiving Weekend, including an analysis on Mobile Device and OS, in our report below.