
8 Staggering Statistics from Google AdWords Innovations

By Tinuiti Team

Google AdWords innovations statistics

Yesterday Google made an AdWords announcement outlining AdWords innovations including new tools for Google Advertisers and updates to existing programs. The video announcement, which was streamed live can be viewed here.

Google’s AdWords updates involved enhancements to apps, offline tracking and a preview of some interesting tools which will help advertisers leverage and experiment with product data. Check out this post for a summary of the updates, and how they affect your AdWords campaign.

Outside of the Power Tools coming for Advertisers, many viewers were underwhelmed by Google’s announcement, and almost everything I’ve read overlooks the (almost) unbelievable statistics Google highlighted during the presentation.

Because numbers are fun, and statistics are super cool, here they are.

Mind Boggling Google Statistics

1. There were 100 billion searches last month ( for 3/2014)
2. Google maps mapped 1 billion km yesterday (4/21/2014)
3. Last month viewers watched 6 billion hours on youtube
4. 40% of those 6 billion hours happened on mobile
5. 20,000 people listened to Google’s AdWords Innovation livestream
6. 70% of people today have applications
7. 80% of apps dowloaded are only used once
8. 60% of apps are never installed

What did you learn from yesterdays Google AdWords announcement?

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