Do you have pop-ups on your online web store? Are you listing on Google Shopping?
If you answered yes to both of those questions, Google could potentially suspend you from Google Shopping and/or disapprove your entire feed.
Google Shopping: Avoid Pop-Ups Or Your Product Listing Ads May Be Suspended
Recently, Google reached out to one of our clients warning them that product pages which link from Product Listing Ads that have pop-ups run the risk of getting your ads rejected from Google Shopping:
“Pop-ups on the Landing Page:
We’ve noticed that the products pages on your websites opens up certain sign up pop-ups. Please know that as per Google Shopping Policies “Your product listing’s destination URL can’t lead to a landing page which may have pop-ups or may redirect to other pages, such as pages requiring sign-ups or passwords.”
Pop-Ups And Google Shopping: What Does It Mean For Online Merchants?
If your site has a pop-up which appears when users are linking through from Google Shopping Product Listing Ads to a product page, Google may flag you for violating its policies.
Pop-Ups And Google Shopping: What Should Online Merchants Do?
- Remove the pop-up.
- Workaround 1: Have the pop-up appear on the 2nd page the customer clicks to. So the pop-up would only appear if the customer comes from another page on your site. If the customer clicks through from an external source they wouldn’t see a pop-up on the first page they land on. In that scenario, the pop-up could actually still remain on the product pages, but it would only show if the customer clicked onto your product page from another page on the site.
- Workaround 2: One other option would be to have the pop-up delay on the first page the customer visits so that it’s not there as soon as they click through. * We haven’t tried this option, so be wary of display time, and Google penalizing you still.
Where do you have pop-ups on your site?