The Inconvenient Pitfalls of Shopping Campaigns for PLAs

When Google announced that their rapidly maturing Product Listing Ads program would welcome a new format called Shopping Campaigns, it was evident that their intentions were good. Clearly, adding simplicity and accessibility was the goal.
But there’s 2 sides to every coin, and Google Shopping Campaigns are no exception. Here’s how the new format may negatively affect merchants and advertisers:
When you change how a particular target is layered, you lose the entire structure of that target and have to start from scratch.
If you ever see this window, HEED this warning. It means you’re about to lose that target’s structure, so be careful when you’re setting things up:
This also means that if you somehow accidentally change or delete something, you could potentially wipe out your entire campaign structure. So make sure to take notes or screenshots just in case. It’s going to happen to someone out there, don’t let that person be you.
IMO, not a very intuitive feature for a program that’s supposed to be more user-friendly…
There are other rather straightforward pitfalls, like these below…
…but if you want more details, you can refer to our Google Shopping Campaigns White Paper: The ____ New Way to Do PLAs.