Converting Social Shoppers: How Tinuiti Built and Managed Rebecca Minkoff’s Instagram Checkout, Leading to a +83% Add-to-Cart Rate Compared to Paid Social Ads Alone

Rebecca Minkoff wanted to launch Instagram Checkout to meet their customers where they are spending a significant amount of time. Tinuiti’s Shoppable Media team had already been managing Rebecca Minkoff’s product feeds for Facebook and Instagram, so it was a perfect opportunity to expand our partnership while testing a new frontier that was still relatively untapped.
Tinuiti set up and launched Instagram Checkout for Rebecca Minkoff in September, which required constant back-and-forth communication, vigilant monitoring, and troubleshooting between different teams.
Add-to-Cart Rate
Checkout Initiate Rate
Average Order Value
*January – August
Compared to Facebook Dynamic Product Ads Alone
Our Shoppable Media team has a close relationship with Rebecca Minkoff which was vital for monitoring and troubleshooting. The Tinuiti team troubleshoots any feed issues including product errors, images not pulling in, feed delivery, etc., and assists with larger communication between Feedonomics, a full-service product feed management platform, and the client when needed.
Similar to Google Shopping, we utilized the IG Checkout feed to highlight key attributes including optimized titles, lucrative shipping callouts (free shipping), fully optimized product descriptions (dimensions, color, materials, etc.) and multiple product images. To improve the user experience (UX), our team increased the frequency of feed delivery through a new process where exports are scheduled every hour to ensure up-to-date inventory availability. This is important for Rebecca Minkoff, a brand that is often launching new products.
With the finalization of IG Checkout, our team has seen that it makes an impact on high-intent consumers. We’ve seen an 83% higher Add-to-Cart rate for customers clicking on a product on Instagram Checkout vs. customers clicking on a product from a dynamic product ad on Paid Social (Facebook). And people are spending more on this format—we’ve also seen a 14% higher Average Order Value (AOV) on Instagram Checkout compared to the AOV for Facebook Dynamic Product Ads.
Rebecca Minkoff is a trailblazer and a prime example of why brands should explore Instagram Checkout to engage high-intent consumers within their Social Commerce landscape.