Email & SMS

How to Plan Your Q3 Content Calendars for Email

By Tinuiti Team

Planning your promotional Q4 content calendar in advance can help you focus and refine your marketing messages, which has become more important in today’s ever-changing landscape.

While most marketers make last-minute adjustments to their campaigns, a foundational approach centered around seasonal holidays builds a strong springboard into evolving content.  

Historically, Q3 has been a time for outdoor activities and community celebrations, however, COVID-19 is expected to have impacts lasting through Q3 holidays in 2020.

Reviewing the following for each holiday will help you craft your email messaging for your Q3 content calendar:


After careful consideration of the seasonal holiday relevancy for your contacts this year, take a moment to get inspired by these holiday ideas to build your Q3 holiday roadmap:


July 2020



canada day email promotion







prime day email promotions



back to school email promotions


August 2020





internationa youth day email promotions




dog days of summer email promotion


September 2020




labor day email promotions






halloween email promotions


Even though holidays may look a little different this year, everyone is eagerly awaiting a reason to celebrate. Give your customers a sense of normalcy by approaching holidays with a Q3 content relevant to their 2020 needs.  


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