Who the hell is Hendrik Laubscher you might ask? Hendrik is my overseas friend in South Africa who works at PriceCheck, a comparison shopping engine there.
He’s an expert in comparison shopping engines, international markets and analyzing ecommerce company moves. Come to think of it, he could probably start his own think tank about the comparison shopping industry and make a lot of money.
Hendrik has an awesome blog talking about the ecommerce industry that you can check out here.
Here’s one of my favorite articles on the comparison shopping engine and new technology provider Decide.com.
If you have any questions about international marketing channels, new technologies, or emerging trends in ecommerce, Hendrik is your man.
He’s also going to be in the States soon! New York and Seattle. So you could probably get a crash course in international shopping engines and new technologies if you can catch him.
That’s it for this episode of People I Admire In Ecommerce.