At Elite SEM, Director of Marketing Marc Weisinger curates Elite Insider, Elite’s PPC blog, to bring you Elite’s take on search engine marketing. The Elite Insider is written exclusively by the Elite team and Elite’s partners. At Elite SEM we are constantly thinking of ways to engage our readers and add valuable content to our blog for our clients and the SEM industry as a whole.
Elite SEM follows important changes in the SEM industry and gives invaluable advice on SEM strategy in our Industry News section. Want to get Google AdWords or Bing Ads certified? The Search Engine Certification Roadmap breaks down the process for you. Wondering how Google’s recent changes to Enhanced AdWords Campaigns in AdWords will affect you? Understand how your campaigns may be modified with Enhanced Adwords Campaigns – The Facts.
You might not know it, but just recently Elite SEM added a Search Engine Optimization category to our blog! Check out our new SEO blog section! We have already posted SEO essentials like Quick SEO Cleanup and SEO Promotions. Also, keep up with the newest SEO trends with articles on new SEO tools such as Analyzing SEO Moz’s Latest SEO Tool.
We also share our opinions and perspective on changes in the industry with Elite Thinks. See what our expert staff thinks about the previously mentioned changes to Enhanced AdWords Campaigns with Elite Thinks – Enhanced Adwords Campaigns. Look forward to reading our latest Elite Thinks which discusses Product Listing Ads coming in April!
So what’s going on at Elite SEM? We’re making sure you know all the exciting things going on at Elite with our Company Updates. Did you know Elite SEM has been hosting webinars? To perfect your display strategy and optimize your campaigns check out Marc’s Biggest Loser Google Display Webinar. There are now five members of the Elite Team teaching at NYU! Read more about Elite SEM’s Growing Presence at NYU.
Additionally, throughout the year Elite SEM attends and hosts industry events like our Elite SEM Google Client Summit, and we’re blogging about it in our Events section! Elite SEM will be exhibiting at Internet Retailer Conference and Exhibition 2013 in Chicago, IL. If you’d like to learn more about opportunities at this event, be sure to read Calling All Clients! 2013 IRCE Speaking Opportunities Available!