
Facebook Power Editor: A Crash Course into Facebook’s Powerful Ad Editor

By Tinuiti Team

UPDATE: (9/12/2017) “Facebook Power Editor Merges with Ads Manager”

Ideal for advertisers with serious skin in the game, the Facebook Power Editor is a Google Chrome plug-in that lets you create Facebook ads in bulk.

It’s also great for A/B testing your ads, creating lead generation forms, and monitoring your campaigns, and it even gives you access some not-yet-released features that can improve your targeting and your results.

The only catch? It’s pretty complicated.

While the Power Editor is highly beneficial if you’re managing lots of ads (or lots of ad spend), there can be a learning curve at the outset.

If you’re just getting started, use this Facebook Power Editor guide to get your footing and use the tool to its fullest.

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Facebook Power Editor vs. Ad Manager

Power Editor and the built-in Facebook Ads Manager tools aren’t completely independent of each other. In fact, the Power Editor actually requires data from the Ads Manager to get started.

You simply download your data from Ads Manager, edit (or create) your ads and campaigns within the Power Editor plug-in, then upload those changes to Facebook.

facebook power editor

Both tools allow you to create and customize your campaigns; the key difference is the Ads Manager actually runs your advertising, while the Power Editor gives you additional editing and managing capabilities. You should use the two in tandem for best results.

Advantages of the Facebook Power Editor

The biggest benefit of the Power Editor is that it gives you access to features that aren’t yet available in Ads Manager (or never will be). You see, Facebook often “tests” features here before they’re rolled out to the built-in tool, so as a user, you get first go at the most advanced, up-and-coming tools.

In the past, they’ve rolled out Instagram Ads, behavior targeting, device targeting and video ads via this route, and currently, they’ve got a few new features in the testing phases – namely Lead Ads, Canvas Ads, Dynamic Product Ads and Dark Posts.

Power Editor Facebook advertisers are the only people with access to these types of ads at the moment.

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facebook power editor

But early access aside, Facebook Power Editor is also a crucial tool if you’re looking to split-test your ads.

In the traditional ads manager, A/B testing is a tedious and time-consuming task. You have to manually re-create each and every ad, copy and paste your content, and re-select every targeting option over and over again.

With the Facebook Power Editor, it only takes is a few clicks, and you can duplicate ads – or even full campaigns – in a matter of seconds. It can be a huge time and money saver in the long run.

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Here are a few more of the Power Editor’s better time- and money-saving features:







Though some of these might seem like minor advantages, when you’re managing ads in bulk, every second counts. These tools make handling large Facebook campaigns easier, more efficient and, ultimately, more productive.

Try it Out

In the end, even if you’re only managing a handful of ads, the Facebook Power Editor is definitely worth a whirl. Offering you access to new and improved features, targeting options and ad types, it can often be what puts your ahead of your competition.

At no additional cost to use (and with this handy Facebook Power Editor tutorial in tow), what is there to lose? Want to learn more about how to use Facebook Power Editor? Email [email protected].

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