Utilizing paid and organic search report of Google AdWords is a reliable way to understand how and when people make queries about your brand. With this search marketing tool, you can see the frequency of free organic search results listing your website pages. You can also learn which search terms initiated these search results. It’s easier to figure out how to tailor paid results to search trends.
Identifying the search performance of your website pages provides insight about whether your content is meeting your target audience’s needs and how. Learning how the kinds and frequency of search terms correlate with consumer interests is conveniently possible with this tool. In return, you can go on to create better content around popular keywords and reel in more business leads.
Overall, it’s clear that no business is getting the full scope of their success with Google search without paid and organic results analyzation. On the other hand, this tool is underutilized by many website owners. Learn about three tactful ways you can go in the opposite direction and ignite greater conversion optimization.
Utilize a Cross-division Dashboard to Track SEM and SEO Results
Set up a cross-division dashboard based on SEM and SEO practices. Use this dashboard to collect percentages about paid and organic search volume. Tracking impression share is also doable. This is a practical method for indicating changes over time of search trends tied to your online marketing strategies.
The ability to track SEM and SEO together provides a broader picture of where you stand in these areas. Determining the compatibility of both areas can come easier, allowing you to apply keywords that suit them more effectively. Compatibility is definitely needed to sustain conversion optimization practices within your business.
Develop a Report to Capture Paid and Organic Search Over Time
As you collect data about your SEM and SEO outcomes, develop a regular report to capture how well you are performing over time. Rely on a list of the top keywords that SEO is optimizing toward for relevant data reporting. It’s ideal to generate this in consistent intervals to compare and contrast your search results. Also, it’s up to you to decide if you want to develop your report on a daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis.
Your report can reveal to you whether SEM or SEO needs the most intervention for better results. For example, as organic results gain more traffic, it may be best to ease up on paid impressions and clicks for specific keywords. More financial support can be directed toward weaker keywords with an organic presence, to compensate.
Applying these useful tricks will allow you to better visualize your paid and organic search capacities.
Understand Your Success Rate by Using the Entire Search Data
After developing your comprehensive report, adequately analyze its characteristics to learn how to bring about improved conversion rate optimization. Pick it apart as much as you can to visualize an accurate picture of your success with SEM and SEO techniques. You can learn how you fare against your competitors and how to become more creative with your online marketing strategies.
This process may lead you to find new keywords to add to your AdWords account that are connected with queries of organic searches and no associated ads. You may find yourself exercising tests for website enhancement. Making AdWords changes to your bids and budget may come as a result.
Don’t leave these paid and organic search tips out of your conversion rate optimization strategies. Since they are overlooked often, utilizing them can make you more competitive in your industry, allowing you to climb the ranks faster. We can help you achieve great things beyond this. For example, read our case study: Gilt City Increases PPC Clicks by 16% While Reducing CPA by 20%.