Display & OOH

How to Make Your Remarketing Efforts More Effective

By Tinuiti Team

At the core of running an ecommerce business is audience conversion. No ecommerce business owner likes to encounter situations when people fail to make purchases after visiting his or her website. But they certainly happen. They make the act of remarketing all the more important to utilize for better lead generation.

Remarketing is often used to lure unconverted visitors back to websites to make purchases. This is done through the display of relevant and appealing advertisements on other websites that users access. To make the most out of your conversion experience, apply the steps below to your remarketing strategy.

Make Way for Repeat Business With Great Content

Although you are trying to win new customers, make sure you excel at repeat business. Repeat business is composed of returning customers making more purchases and driving sales. This requires the establishment of interesting, useful content maintained on a blog, social media pages, email newsletters, and more.

Objectives for content creation should be to inform and entertain your audience. Go in depth about amazing qualities of your products while telling compelling stories around them that capture your brand’s essence. This is a sure-fire way to bring back old customers.

Preach Your Gospel to the Unconverted

Set up a remarketing list to attract unconverted customers back to your website. This list contains visitors and app users who have previously reached your website. Remarketing vendors can allow you to specify how long you want them to be added to your list based on remarketing goals.

Based on the list, divide your entire audience into different groups regarding how they interacted with your website. Lead them to web pages that best suit their unique interests. Avoid using the same call-to-action to convert different users. . Display advertising techniques characterize your brand while appealing to the buying needs of your audience to initiate this.

Abandoned Shopping Carts are Business Opportunities

Sometimes visitors leave items in their shopping carts without making purchases. These are good opportunities to nudge them toward purchasing these items. Besides, they’re so close to being converted and enjoying your salvation.

Reel them back in by creating separate remarketing lists for visitors who accessed different stages of the purchasing process. Prioritize remarketing efforts and bid higher for visitors who hit the “shopping cart” page of your website, but didn’t convert.

Display persuasive advertisements for related products to encourage existing customers to make additional purchases.

Upsell Your Existing Customers

Entice existing customers with complementary products or services. Do this by creating a remarketing list for converted customers who are already interested in your business. Customize your ads by connecting previous purchases to new products or services.

Make them feel that the addition of these new things will give new meaning and value to old products or services. Be careful to show ads for related products and services by giving them their own remarketing lists.

These tips can definitely make your ecommerce marketing experience much more profitable. Make the most out of your remarketing campaign with them. Don’t forget to apply them to your social media advertising techniques as well. If you want even more quick tips, be sure to check out our Top 10 Display Tips.

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