What Coronavirus Means for Your Q2 Content Calendars

As the world changes around us due to COVID-19, so do our recommendations for our clients’ email marketing plans for Q2.
Over the past few weeks, we’ve made tweaks to our clients’ content calendars as we find ways to adapt to this new normal. We’ve worked to define the relationship between each individual brand and current events, establish the proper tone for the situation, and build out new content that is respectful of the mindset we share in today’s world.
We hope this helps you find your sweet spot this spring with targeted emails that build your customer’s loyalty and showcase the best of your brand.
Here is some tactical advice for making the most of the Q2 Spring holidays with thoughtful messaging that can build customer loyalty and showcase the best of your brand during a time of uncertainty.
Please keep in mind as this situation evolves, so should the contents of your calendars over Q2 and beyond.
In the current environment, it can feel a bit off to consider planning sales for holidays, yet, people need something to look forward to and enjoy, even if it is at a (social) distance.
Q2 holidays will ensure your audience is being provided with something to enjoy, but messaging throughout these times will have to be navigated on a case-by-case basis.
Easter Sunday: April 12
According to MailCharts, a projected 82% of consumers are planning to observe the holiday and $150 is expected to be spent per consumer, making Easter Weekend the top promotional event in the month of April.
Whether you include the religious aspects or not, this is a great time to incite hopefulness and inspire with the idea of newness.
Avoid typical Easter surprises, and opt for messaging or promotions around new arrivals.
Earth Day: April 22
Ever-evolving climate policy, the fight against pollution, and the scarcity of water are all topics that are still relevant during the Coronavirus pandemic.
The health of the Earth still evokes emotion across the masses around the health of the planet. Each year we see Earth Day become bigger and bigger as brands seize the opportunity to reinforce their commitment to sustainability and minimizing their environmental impact.
The bottom line is: you won’t find many people that don’t have opinions on the state of the Earth, and many of these individuals want the brands they support to align with their values.
Earth Day is the perfect opportunity for strong brand messages that reinforce any “goodwill” focused differentiators that make your brand unique, and connect with your subscribers on a deeper, values-based level that is relevant seasonally and globally.
Feel like your subscribers will really resonate with Earth-related topics? Extend this holiday by combining it with Arbor Day (April 24) and make your own “Earth Week.”
Other top April holidays generally include April Fools Day (April 1), perfected by Black Diamond, and Tax Day (April 15). Tax Day timing has shifted, and tax deadlines have been extended to July 15, 2020. Keep this in mind for your Q3 calendars!
Mother’s Day: May 10
You might not be able to celebrate with your Mom on Mother’s Day, but that doesn’t mean you can’t send her the perfect gift.
2018 saw record-breaking Mother’s Day spending, bringing in $21.8 billion in the US alone. The focus of Mother’s Day is gifting, and these emails start showing up in inboxes as early as mid-April. Make sure you craft your messaging to fit your subscribers, whether it be self-gifting, family-gifting, or general gifting during this time. Send emails that help subscribers honor their Mom’s, self-gift, or do something special for a Mother figure.
Memorial Day: May 25
Summer doesn’t officially start until mid-June, but Memorial Day Weekend unofficially kicks it off in a big way.
This weekend is most popularly celebrated with big promotions, with 74% of brands offering between 20% and 30% off. Make sure that your promotion extends over the entire weekend to get the biggest returns. If you don’t feel like a sale is right for your brand, it’s a great opportunity to honor those who have served our country and create a deeper connection with your subscriber base.
Other top May holidays include Star Wars Day (May the Fourth Be With You!) and Cinco de Mayo (May 5).
June is a seasonally lower-performing month, with fewer opportunities for sales and promotions, and summer travel is kicking off.
This year promises to be different from the economic uncertainty brought on by the Coronavirus, as well as uncertainty around our ability to travel in the near future.
Plan with positivity for June, and with possible improvements in the current pandemic, we predict an uptick in spending throughout this statistically lower month.
Father’s Day: June 21
Father’s Day strikes a similar emotional connection to Mother’s Day, but it’s more lighthearted and relaxed.
It is universal, and purchases are motivated by key relationships in your subscriber’s lives. Gifting is key for this holiday, with 59% of messages sent before the holiday itself. Last-minute shopping makes up a large percentage of Father’s Day purchases, so be sure to encourage people to shop early for their gifts with a discount that includes urgency for the highest return.
Not a brand that’s targeting dads? Focus on the Summer Solstice (June 20) as an official summer kick-off to stay in the inbox during this time.
Other top June holidays include World Ocean Day (June 8) and National Pink Day (June 23).
Q2 2020 will be a pivotal time in the world, and it will be especially heightened in digital marketing efforts.
Email is already emerging as the primary mode of communication for brands around critical COVID-19 news, and in the next few months, we will be navigating a never-before encountered situation together. Our best advice at this time is to do right by your subscribers and customers in the short-term in order to build brand loyalty for the long-term.
The key to navigating is knowing your audience, and understanding where they are in their current day-to-day lives. Be sure to avoid messages of scarcity that could incite anxiety and encourage panic buying, and avoid talking about social topics since the majority of events for the foreseeable future are canceled.
Lastly, if the holidays covered here don’t fit your brand, check out our full 2020 Marketing Calendar for more brand-specific holidays to feature. We hope this helps you find your sweet spot this spring with targeted emails that build your customer’s loyalty and showcase the best of your brand.