
Elite SEM Atlanta runs America’s Sweetest Race

By Tinuiti Team

What could be better than running through downtown Atlanta to support the Ronald McDonald House Charities? – A few thousand gallons of hot chocolate waiting for you at the end!

The Atlanta Elite team set their sights on running America’s Sweetest Race back in October when the whole office signed up for the 5K. This weekend’s unseasonably warm weather and the promise of chocolate brought out more than 16,000 runners to benefit Atlanta Chapters of the Ronald McDonald House Charities. This year’s sold out race was the first time the Hot Chocolate 5K and 15K visited the city of Atlanta.

For the ATL Elite SEM girls, the idea of supporting this great cause and the chocolate motivation was all they needed to start their training regimen. “It was great to be able to accomplish this as an office,” said Abby Stone, Director of Paid Search. “We all helped to motivate and encourage each other and really trained hard.” All three Atlanta Eliters finished the race in less than 45 minutes; and enjoyed their hot chocolate and chocolate fondue with full gusto.

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