From Around the Web
Dont Get Scroogled: Microsoft has launched an anti-Google holiday shopping campaign. Could this hurt your Google Shopping campaign? (Search Engine Watch)
SEOmoz Joins Forces with SEOmoz has just acquired GetListed. What does this mean? In all probability, this means higher quality content and in greater numbers for the clueless local businessman. (SEOmoz)
We Can Do Better Than This: Not from this week, but I had to include it. Jonathan Coleman offers a truly inspirational call out to internet/content marketers everywhere. (
The Future of SEO in 2013: Check out this roundtable-style piece on where SEO is likely headed next year. (
Build Relationships, Not Links: A nicely concise piece on the importance of establishing connections with your audience, especially for businesses/websites interested in link-building. It’s a nice first step if you’re trying to revolutionize your customer retention/loyalty strategy. (Search Engine Watch)
From the CPC Strategy Blog
Google Merchant Center Now in Adwords: Merchants on Google Shopping will likely have more control now over their Adwords campaigns.
CPC Stategy Releases The Google Analytics Guide for commerce Business Owners: Get it today and for free!
Google Shopping Holiday Roundup: Check out the big guns Google’s whipped out to set themselves apart from other CSEs this Holiday Shopping Season.