
Expert Interview Series: Danny Donchev of Fortunelords About Search Marketing and How to Do It Right

By Tinuiti Team

Danny Donchev is a digital marketing superhero who started his career back in 2004 and now shares his expertise on We had a chance to sit down with Danny and ask him about digital marketing and how companies can leverage its power to succeed in the marketplace.

Tell us a little about your career history. Why have you decided to focus on digital marketing education?

The potential of digital marketing is limitless and I love that. At first, it was only my hobby; but soon enough, it became my passion and profession.

Digital marketing allows you to have the freedom to live anywhere in the world and still reach the global market. Now, my main goal is to help as many people as I can to learn how to market their business online.

Finish this sentence: “The biggest SEO myth that still persists today is…”

SEO is hard. Although it is not easy, the main reason why so many people struggle with SEO is that they do not master the basics and don’t know how to build a custom SEO strategy.

When is it smart for a company to engage in paid search practices instead of relying solely on organic SEO and/or local search marketing?

Paid search practices are only preferable when companies need results in a few days or weeks.

Name one thing that companies can do immediately to better optimize their website to generate leads.

They can use lead magnets.

It’s obviously essential for websites to be mobile-friendly. But what are many companies still doing wrong when it comes to formatting or marketing their mobile sites?

They don’t use responsive design, which is recommended by Google.

What are some of the additional digital marketing challenges faced by retailers and e-commerce companies that are generally not associated with other businesses?

Retailers and e-commerce companies need to attract targeted traffic, instead of just getting standard traffic.

What are your thoughts on the future of digital marketing? What will e-commerce and retail websites have to do in order to distinguish themselves from their competitors?

The competition is monstrous. E-commerce and retail websites need to focus on building a strong brand and use the power of content marketing in order to build their web presence. In addition, they should figure out exactly where to find their target market. As an example, online communities could boost their traffic and sales.

Need more proof about how search engine optimization helps companies? Read about how SEO helped this financial advisory site improve by 19% amid a migration to a new CMS.

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