Google has told us about the power of Universal Analytics and how much this system is going to help the marketers of the world with their most daunting problem: attribution across devices. For those who have not heard of universal analytics, it’s basically Google Analytics 2.0. Universal Analytics including all of the features in Google Analytics, but now also allows marketers to easily see a user’s path and actions across multiple devices. Google has given us a sneak peak at some of the new reports and features that will be offered with Universal Analytics. These reports are based on Universal Analytics’ new User ID pixel (when a user is signed into Google and can be tracked across devices) vs. the current Client ID pixel. Here is a summary of the new reports that will be offered:
New Reports in Universal Analytics
1. Device Overlap Report
- What is it? This report segments users and metrics by certain device combinations.
- Example:A user starts on his phone then moves to a desktop before making a $5.00 purchase.
- BEFORE: In Google Analytics right now you’d see one unique mobile visit with $0 revenue and one unique desktop visit with $5 in revenue.
- AFTER: Under the new report you would see one unique “mobile + desktop” user and $5 in revenue.
2. Acquisition Source Report
- What is it? This report tracks revenue based on the original touch point and the revenue from each additional touch point.
- Example: A user discovers your company on his phone and makes a $2.99 purchase. Later that week he decides he loves your product and makes a $5.99 purchase on his tablet. Three days later, he buys another product for $19.99 on his desktop.
- BEFORE: Under the current system, you would see this as three separate users and three separate transactions.
- AFTER: In the new system, you will see this as one user and three separate transactions.
3. Device Paths
- What is it? This report will segment users and their engagement and performance metrics by device. It will be formatted visually like the top conversions paths report that is currently in analytics. You will be able to filter for only paths that ended in a purchase.
- Opportunity: It will now be possible to compare the performance of users who started on their desktop and made a purchase on their tablet against users who started on their tablet and converted on their phone. For example, if you discover that users have a high conversion rate when they transition from desktop to tablet, you could push users to take advantage of your stellar app.
Universal Analytics is currently in beta testing, but can be implemented on your site right now. Google recommends using the new Universal Analytics tracking alongside your current analytics code to maintain continuity in your account. If you are interested in setting up Universal Analytics on your site visit: for more details. Look out for documentation from Google in the coming months on how to migrate your existing Google Analytics account to Universal Analytics. Also, visit Elite SEM’s Elite Insider blog for industry news and company updates.