
Pricegrabber is No Rebel, Announces CPC Rates Raises

By Tinuiti Team

Unlike’s announcement to lower CPC rates within certain categories, Pricegrabber has announced that they will apply a 25% CPC increase across the board for all of their categories.

Just in time for the shopping season, the rates will be effective starting in November, and will run until January 15, 2009 (can anyone else believe 2009 is right around the corner?)

What do you as a merchant have to do to prepare for such a change?

Well according to Pricegrabber, thankfully this change will “take place on November 1st without any required action on your part”–in theory.

But in actuality this change will require merchants to more closely monitor their campaigns in order to make sure their spend doesn’t go completely out of control–combining the natural traffic spikes with the holiday season around the corner, as well as the rates increase may make it a not so happy holiday season.

Given all the recent economical news lately then, this may be one type of change that you may not be able to afford.

On the bright side of things however, the spikes in traffic should naturally transition into greater revenue numbers, which, through proper campaign management (or perhaps through the services of a management company :-)), it may turn out to be a very Merry Xmas after all.

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