
Should You Be Using Foreign Language Ads?

By Tinuiti Team

We live in a global economy and while most of your traffic may originate from the United States, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t entertain the idea of looking at foreign language ads. Google allows you to target different audiences based on different geographical locations.

Look at your traffic sources. Do a substantial number of visitors to your e-commerce, fashion or retail website come from non-English speaking countries? Do you have business potential from French-speaking customers from Quebec, Canada, or Spanish speaking customers from Mexico? If so, then there might be a solution to reaching these audiences. 

Each campaign can be tailored so that you can target specific audiences based on their language settings. This can help you increase traffic, generate more leads, boost click-through rates (CTR), lower your cost per clicks (CPCs) and increase conversion ratios (CVRs). So, how does an e-commerce, retail and fashion enterprise go about taking advantage of Google foreign language ads?

Step 1: Go to your audience settings in Google Analytics and select GEO and then language. 

Step 2: Determine which languages users have designated in their browser settings.

Step 3: Define the amount of traffic from non-English speaking countries and geographies. 

Step 4: Determine if you can create ads in that new language. 

Step 5: Translation

Step 6: Lock in Settings

Step 7: Expand or Hold firm?

Google foreign language ads may just be the solution you're looking for. In fact, your offering could be ideal for that new audience. Take the time to investigate your traffic sources and do your homework to determine whether the revenues will support the expenditures.

If you're interested in learning more about how a new approach to your Paid Search campaign can benefit your business then check out our Case Study, Revel Systems Accelerates Lead Generation 429% at lower CPL.

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