
Bizrate Seller Reviews On Bing

By Tinuiti Team

Bing Using Bizrate Seller Reviews

In an effort to improve the user experience for online shoppers, Bing Shopping now has Bizrate seller ratings in its ad block.

If you are selling on Bizrate, you may recieve an email which looks something like this:

“As a reminder, Bizrate’s survey content is a very important component of Google’s Seller Ratings – in fact, it is the only content in which the entire review is included. Your participation allows you to collect your customers’ comments and ratings (beyond just Bizrate/Shopzilla), and as a result, increase your conversions. In addition, we have just recently reached an agreement so that Bizrate reviews will also be displayed in Bing Search. Plus, with new integration of Facebook and Google+ you will be able to gather “Likes” and +1’s as well.

Again, this service is free – there is no cost to you at all.

The set-up process is easy. Simply reply to this email and I will send your unique code directly to you for a simple copy and paste start-up, or you can login to the merchant site at to start immediately.”

Check out the verified Bizrate seller reviews on Bing:

Bizrate verified reviews in Bing ad block

While Bing already has merchant reviews available to shoppers in its organic listings, the benefit of the Bizrate seller reviews is that they can be from verified buyers. This according to Mary Yee, VP of Marketing for Shopzilla denotes them as coming from “Tangible purchasers, or buyers who have actually bought from that site.”

While Bizrate’s reviews “join other ratings providers already included” Yee claims Bizrate verified seller reviews distinguish themselves in “the breadth and depth of information on the purchase and order receipt experience.”

While listing on Bizrate for merchants involves cost per click (CPC) charges, Bizrate’s review program is free. To learn more about Bizrate’s merchant review program check out our comprehensive post on merchant ratings.

Are you using Bizrate’s seller review program? How do you think seller reviews on Bing will affect you?



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