5 Reasons to Hire a Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Agency

If you were tasked with creating a checklist of the most crucial elements necessary for driving continued growth and success for your business, what are the first things that would come to mind? Perhaps more product reviews? Stronger brand recognition? Top talent retention within your organization and supply chain? Sustained attention to innovation and quality? A site redesign, or full platform migration?
Yeah…there’s probably a lot that comes to mind. And that checklist is a lengthy one for businesses of all sizes and niches, so you’re far from alone. But as disconnected as some of those elements may seem at first glance, they all ladder up toward a common goal—the most essential element of all—increased conversions.
Simply put, the end goal of almost every major business decision and performance marketing initiative is increased conversions of some type.
While we typically think of sales-based conversions—the dollars and cents of success—conversions can more broadly include other event-based elements that correspond with your goals, to include downloads, sign-ups, video completions, and more.
So if all these initiatives ladder up to CRO, why do we so often treat conversion rate optimization services as a separate, standalone, after-the-fact task to be completed, like putting the bow on a present? At Tinuiti, we don’t. We understand that there is a fuller picture to CRO, and that ongoing testing and optimizations that consider your larger business and marketing plans are necessary to continued success.
In this article we explore 5 of the reasons that partnering with a full-service conversion rate optimization agency can offer better results than managed services from CRO-specific platforms.
When working with a CRO platform that is separate from your other performance marketing and management initiatives, there is an inherently siloed structure, with certain things happening ‘over here,’ and other things happening ‘over there.’ Conversion rate optimization agencies like Tinuiti don’t simply tear down those siloes, we never create them to begin with.
Our visibility into other channels and initiatives helps us solidify our CRO strategy through a comprehensive understanding of all the moving parts, and how each is performing. This enables us to make more informed, data-driven recommendations and decisions, streamlining the communication between all channels so the right hand always knows what the left hand is doing.
One example of how this works is analyzing your Paid Search performance. By better understanding users’ pre-click motivation, we can better align the post-click intention and provide strategy to maximize your advertising spend.
Our conversion rate optimization services are fully platform-agnostic, meaning we will always recommend the platform that is best for each individual client. Elsewhere, you may be offered a limited or specific tool stack, which may not always be the best solution for your specific business.
Our team does have their favorite CRO tools, of course. However, we are not married to any of them. We are always open to experimenting with new tools, and keep our focus on garnering the best insights, whether they’re obtained from ‘old favorites’ in our toolbox, or something we’ve just started using and are seeing early success with.
While there is a strong tactical element to our conversion optimization services, implementing and measuring the impact of changes, what you’re really paying for is our experience and expertise, not a subscription for software that might not be working for you. Our purpose is to help you reach your goals, taking those goals on as our own.
Even the best laid plan can’t see success if it never gets implemented. At Tinuiti, we have dedicated developers on our conversion optimization services team that only focus on CRO. Their full-time job is to live and breathe CRO, spending all their time in the platforms testing and analyzing, rather than getting pulled in myriad other directions throughout their day.
We consider every element that must be satisfied for a customer to feel comfortable and confident enough to convert. This necessitates a fusion of intelligent, aesthetically-pleasing design and effortless usability, with a focus on providing information about your brand itself, and the specific product or service being considered. It’s not enough to simply get the customer to the site; they have to feel good while they’re there if you want them to stick around.
Think of how you felt the last time you made a purchase after chatting it through with an experienced, informed salesperson who understood your needs, and how the product they were selling met those needs. Now, compare that to a time when you did indeed find what you needed in the end, but the salesperson wasn’t sure if the dimensions were right, what version of the product it was, or how others who purchased the same item felt about it. You may have still made the purchase, but did you feel good about it?
Your website is your primary salesperson, and it needs to be properly equipped for the monumental impact its performance has on both your conversion rate, and customer sentiment. You don’t want to be the store customers buy from simply because you had the best price, or were the only one who had it in stock. Those are certainly important elements of converting, but to ignore how your site makes a customer feel can be a fatal flaw. After all, behind all those conversions are real people, and real people are who we optimize for.
Swapalease is a company that connects people who want to get out of their auto leases with others looking for a short-term alternative to purchasing a vehicle. Tinuiti worked with Swapalease to improve the clickthrough and conversion rates for their sizable mobile audience, focusing on the home page user experience (UX).
Through testing the original version against 3 variations, our CRO team was able to establish a clear winner—Variation 1 in the image above. This variation not only increased mobile lead form completions by 30%, but also carried a 97% confidence rating.
As discussed in the audience experience section above, high confidence/positive customer sentiment is crucial for lasting success. You don’t want to simply secure a sale now; you want customers to enjoy the full process, from streamlined site navigation to sale/service completion. This can have a lasting impact on quality word-of-mouth advertising, as well as increasing the likelihood they’ll turn to you again in the future.
Want to learn more about how working with an experienced CRO agency can help you increase conversions, improve customer experience, and support all your other performance marketing initiatives? Reach out today to chat with an expert!