Build An Effective Landing Page Using Keyword Mapping

You’ve decided to build out a few new pages on your website and your SEO agency is providing the keyword mapping. Or perhaps you are trying this on your own. Whether you’re a seasoned Keyword Planner veteran or a first-time user, here’s the breakdown of what goes into constructing a highly effective keyword list and how to effortlessly integrate it into your on-page copy.
In this example we’ll be conducting keyword research in order to create a new page about ‘Media Financing’ (i.e. providing consumers with financing solutions for obtaining media equipment). This example is purposefully vague – which means we’ll have to do our homework.
Getting a feel for the current competitive landscape can tell you a lot about user search behavior before you even get started. Is your website currently ranking for your topic, and if not, who is? Most importantly, are the search results what you would expect? Are they coming from competing businesses in your industry or are the queries more informational? Below we can see that the query ‘Media Financing’ returns few results in terms of finance companies. While this keyword will still enforce topical relevancy, we’ll need to cast a wider net.
Only ‘Finance Company’ related Result.
While a large part of keyword mapping will revolve around search volume data, this should be taken with a grain of salt. Most data is shown in ‘ranges’ and may not be an accurate representation of user interest. With this being said, keywords such as “media equipment financing” are still relevant though they may appear to have no search volume.
Despite this keyword showing zero user searches we should still include this keyword in on-page content to evoke topical association.
Next, we’ll want to know the types of Media equipment which people are looking to finance. You can defer to your own list or products, or in the case that you don’t have this informational available, reference competitor’s websites to see what they’re offering. You can use SEM Rush to see which particular keywords each competitor ranks for. Based on this we are able to construct the following list of general keywords:
Then we can create a specific list of keywords which encompasses all brands and product models:
‘Finance’ would be an appropriate modifier in this case – but turns out, we also offer the option to ‘lease’. Add these modifiers to both the prefix and suffix and identify where there is search interest.
Examples of modifiers:
One thing you might notice is that that industry jargon you’ve become accustomed to doesn’t reflect the way users talk about your product. We discovered that “lease digital camera” wasn’t a popular search and that “rent camera” would be an appropriate synonym.
More generalized terms, which are often harder to rank for, tend to have the most search volume, whereas more product specific terms receive less search volume but may lead to more qualified traffic. Our finalized keyword list looks like this:
While our initial inclination may have been to create a singular landing page, our research indicates that there is an opportunity to create multiple pages. Rather than create 1 page which aims to rank well for a myriad of keywords, it’s best to create a Media Finance landing page that can funnel consumers to more targeted pages based on their needs.
In this case there are two clearly defined targets: those looking to rent/lease and those looking to finance. (Rent & lease can be used synonymously). Do note that there are fundamental differences between renting and leasing, however one way which you can incorporate rent (even if you don’t offer the option to rent) is in the form of a question. For example “Looking to rent photography equipment? Learn why leasing is a better long term option.”
While we don’t want to cause URL confusion (i.e. multiple URLs ranking for the same keyword), it’s still advisable to incorporate several keywords on each landing page. Having a well-defined keyword strategy will help to differentiate each page.
Based on our research, the Media Financing landing page should target those users at the top of the funnel. This would be anyone searching for general information on Media Financing including questions like “what is media financing?” and “how to get media financing?”
This page should also include generic keywords such as “media financing”, “media equipment rentals” and “financing media equipment”.
Then, we can create 2 additional landing pages which specifically target (1) renting/leasing & (1) financing. On these pages you should include mentions of specific brands & products. Keywords for the renting/leasing page could include “lease DSLR cameras” and “rent Hasselblad h6d cameras” since the goal of this page is to be more granular (highlighting products) and targeted (focused on renting/leasing only).
In terms of keyword density, it’s best to integrate keywords in a natural fashion as if you were writing for a human reader. Not only will over-saturating your content with keywords be difficult to read, users are likely to abandon your content if they can’t make sense of the information.
Once you’ve structured the content for your landing pages, the next step will be to create a functional layout. You’ll want to ensure that your landing pages include adequate internal links which will help to spread link equity and that each page has appropriate Meta data.
Interested in learning more SEO tips? You can always watch last year’s Client Summit SEO presentation here to gain some valuable insight on Mobile updates you should be aware of for your site.