The 15 Minute Breakdown: Five Big Bets for 2024
Friday, December 1, 2023
What We Covered:
- Discover Tinuiti’s Big Bets for 2024, where we make some audacious predictions about the biggest marketing shakeups heading our way.
- Gain insights from our CMO on what these changes will mean for your brand and how to prepare for them.
- Gain a competitive advantage with early access to Tinuiti’s full Big Bets report.

As we step into the future, the lessons learned and strategies forged in 2023 will undoubtedly lay the foundation for the evolving landscape of marketing excellence.
The digital marketing landscape is not just evolving; it’s on the verge of a revolution. As we entered 2024, the winds of change are blowing, bringing forth significant shifts and innovations that will reshape how we approach marketing.
Watch Dalton Dorné, Tinuiti’s CMO, kick off the new year with our Big Bets, revealing the key trends and developments that will redefine the way we connect with audiences and measure the impact of those connections.
Webinar Transcript
Five Big Bets for 2024
Katherine: Welcome to Tinuiti’s first webinar this year. We’re excited to kick it off with our 15 minute breakdown on Five Big Bets for 2024. Really excited to have you all tuned in today. It’s going to be a really great session, but first let’s jump into some logistics before we get started.
So session recording and slides will be sent out by end of day to your inbox, so be sure to keep an eye out for those and feel free to share with your colleagues.
And then we only have 15 minutes, but if you do log off at any time, um, during that then, you can log back in using the same link that is in your email and calendar. And then you can also download our resource PDF, which provides some links to our recently released reports in the handouts tab to the top right. Right of your screen.
And then also, please feel free to use the chat to introduce yourself. Let us know where you’re tuning in from. It looks like we have people from all over London, Minneapolis, Chicago. So welcome. Glad to have you all tuned in today, and then you can also submit questions through the chat and we’ll aim to answer those at the end during our live Q and A.
We’ll also have a couple of poll questions that we’ll get to at the end of the session. There’s one that’s already there now, if you want to go answer that. So make sure to join in via the poll tab on the right hand side, side of your screen. And I’ll go ahead and introduce myself. My name is Katherine Bishop, Marketing Webinar Specialist at Tinuiti and I’ll be hosting webinar today.
So a little bit about Tinuiti. We’ve mastered the media that matters most. We are the largest independent performance marketing firm across streaming TV and the triopoly of Google, Facebook, and Amazon. And we understand that success requires both strategy and channel specialization. That approach wins us awards across the industry, such as the Shorty Awards, OMMA Awards, and Best in Show at Media Post, EIS Awards.
And we’ve also received recognitions over the year from some of our partners, including Google, Microsoft, and Amazon. And this allows us to grow some amazing clients like those that you see here. And I’m thrilled to hand it over to Tinuiti’s Chief Marketing Officer so that she can introduce herself. Dalton, I’ll kick it over to you.
Dalton: Thanks, Katherine. Hi everyone. I’m Dalton Dorne. I’m our Chief Marketing Officer. I’ve been at Tinuiti for about five years. I oversee our marketing team and solve a lot of very similar challenges that our client CMOs are solving in their own organizations around customer acquisition, dealing with privacy, um, and growing a team and, and filling in middle leadership roles along the way too.
So, um, this is our third year putting together our big bets report, and it’s one of my favorite pieces of content that we release each year. We have five big bets in the report and this is a, like a quick, You know, hot takes webinar. So we’re not going to go deep on these, but at the end of the webinar, you’ll get early access to the report.
So you can read deeper and each one of these trend areas has like, so what, what do I do about it? Kind of three bullet points section. So it gets really high level and then gets really practical. I’m like, what do I do with this information and how does it affect my program? The five areas that you’re going to see are around measurement, audience, streaming, consumers, and search.
And I’ll go into them in a little bit of detail. And at the end, I’m going to come back to these, and I would love to get your perspective on which one of these. Five are going to be most relevant in your organization this year. And I’ll also share back a little bit of the poll results that we had from, um, a preview that we did with our CMO series in December on these topics and see if they look different from what you guys are saying.
So without further ado, I’m going to dive into our first one, which is around measurement. I think measurement has obviously been on the list for the last several years with the rise of privacy and all the changes that we’re seeing in this. space. Um, but measuring brand has continued to be a struggle.
And I think there’s that quote that’s like a hundred years old that probably makes CMOs the world over cringe about 50 percent of my marketing is working. The problem is I don’t know what 50 percent and that’s like the knife in the heart of a CMO, right? We don’t like to hear that. Um, but over the past years or so, when the rise of digital and everything has gone digital, it’s therefore measurable.
It’s therefore performance in some way, shape or form to have brand measurements still be elusive has been frustrating. Um, but we believe 2024 will be the year that we’ll see significant progress on this fund. Um, finally being able to answer questions like. You know, how much is my paid media investments moving the needle on my brand value?
And how much is my brand value driving revenue in my organization? And with today’s challenges and, you know, privacy and, you know, clarity on the customer journey, um, Proving brand equity to stakeholders is going to be incredibly important. And we’re excited that we think this year is going to be a year where we see significant shifts here.
The second trend is around audiences and specifically how personalization is going to get more personal with AI. And I, and I should have said this at the front, we’re calling out AI here. You might have looked at those five trends and you’re like, wait, AI is not one of them. Well, actually AI is in all five of them, which is why it’s not a trend by itself.
It’s in all five of them. And you’ll see that when you get in the report. But coming back to personalization, I think it’s a word that’s been overused potentially in the industry the last five, 10 years. But with AI, it’s changing like what personalization means and the resetting of expectations around personalization.
It is pretty interesting. So it’s no longer just going to be about personalization and life cycle and social content. And like when you hit the landing page, is it personalized? It’s going to take on a little bit of a broader meeting, and we think there’s a really interesting thing happening in the world of influence or marketing in particular, where, um, user generated content and creators through AI and through understanding how to personalize their content on a more scaled experience is going to really shake things up in that world.
Um, consumers using AI is constantly training the machine on. What are their preferences? You know, and they’re not having to give up significant zero party, first party data, you know, to do that, um, in the conventional way. And so we think this is going to be an interesting space to watch. The third trend is around streaming.
And after the commercial break, the commercial breaks are back, baby. If you remember like 10 years ago, maybe it was seven or eight years ago, really with the rise of cord cutting and all the streaming services. And, you know, there was all the, you know, press going, the death of the TV commercial and what is this going to mean?
And I don’t want to say they’re totally back cause they are back, but it’s going to be different. Um, you know, and what, what is really responsible for this resurgence is the rising popularity of the free advertising supported streaming services, things like Pluto or. To be, um, but also on subscription services like Netflix and Hulu and others.
And so again, these are rich in consumer data. The viewer data, which can be augmented by AI’s capabilities and analysis and targeting and, and placement and marketers are finally going to be able to create. A commercial experience that holds viewer attention in a different way. They can be more interactive than they were before.
They’ll get more personalized than they were before. And there’s going to be more inventory, which will make it more affordable for marketers and buyers. The fourth bet is around consumers, the future of the consumer. And so say hello to your target customer, the robot. The truth is we are all as marketers testing and adopting gen AI in our day to day lives and making our work more efficient, uh, and changing how we do certain things.
But customers are also adapting, generating by in different ways. They are getting a more personalized shopping assistant type experience. And it’s really going to. Challenge the future of commerce and push us down some new paths. There’s gonna be more conversational approach that you’re going to be able to have in the customer journey.
And every customer interaction is going to be, you know, an opportunity to drive engagement, but you’re not just going to have to target the humans to do this as generated by gets to know their consumers and. You know, that experience is going to be equally as important in understanding how to target AI and to get AI to get you to the consumer.
So I think it’s a pretty interesting, bet that people are going to have to figure out and how they communicate and how they train their teams differently too. Uh, so big bet number five is around the area of search. And the reality is one day in the maybe not too distant future, the phrase, just Google it may not mean something to the customers the way it does today.
It may not be as colloquial as it is now, and that might be hard to imagine for some of us. But the reality is, is that the search experience is starting in many cases outside of the search engines on places like TikTok and YouTube and Reddit and Amazon. Not to mention, you know, the voice power generative AI options for search too.
And so said another way or thinking about it another way is it may be less about search engines and more about search everywhere. And how does that impact your program in terms of how you are targeting and acquiring customers? So, um, those are the five and a quick hits high level, you know, perspective.
I know we didn’t have time to go super deep, but again, It goes much deeper in the report and gets into that practical takeaways as well. So I’ve just introduced them to you. I’d love for you guys to hop in the poll and vote. I see some people are already doing it already. Let me know. I wish that there was a way for you to select more than one because I think they’re obviously more than one is important, but um, you have to make a tough choice which one is the one that you think is most relevant to your organization this year or what are your bigger challenges or areas that you’re going to need to lean into?
All right. I see the polls are moving, but it does look like even though it’s changing a little bit here and there that measurement is coming in first place. So we tested this with our, um, CMO series. It’s a series of events that we run, and we do like 9 10 throughout the year, and we previewed this with them in December before we finished writing the report and had the content fully baked and the top choices.
Um, they were able to pick up to two were measurement and audience. And so you guys are actually very, very in line with what we heard in that that group as well. Yeah. Very cool. All right. We’re going to share the report now. So, um, you should be able to see it popping up on your screen. And I know you guys are getting it early.
If you want this to be shared with other people in your organization, friends, colleagues, that sort of thing. It is going to be available on our website broadly tomorrow. Uh, you [00:11:00] guys are getting early access.
Katherine: Awesome. Thank you so much, Dalton. And we’ll also provide that, in a follow up email. And it’s also in our resource handout, um, in the tab in the right. So you’ll be able to access it there as well. So we’re going to jump into Q& A. Actually, let me see if we have any Q& A. I don’t think we have anything coming in from our audience. I know this is big, so it really doesn’t give you a lot of time. To process information and then ask questions. So we will go ahead and skip over Q and A because we only have a couple of minutes left and we try to keep it within um, 15 minutes if we can. So we’re we’ve almost done it. I think we did a great job. Awesome.
Dalton: Thank you. I know I’m I’m take it as a win that we even had a minute for Q and a in these these series. We very rarely do so. Yes,
Katherine: so I also just launched our feedback survey. So please. Please click that link to let us know what you thought of the session today and what you would like to see moving forward from webinars, and for those of you who are new to our 15 minute breakdown series, our goal is to say as close to that 15 minutes as possible so you can get the latest marketing insights without having to block off too much time in your busy schedules. And this year’s series does look a little bit different than last year.
So, You’ll no longer be automatically registered for next month’s session, and you will need to register for each 15 minute breakdown individually. And we’ll likely not have a 15 minute breakdown for February or March, but we will share emails with upcoming topics. In the meantime, you can check out some of our other content at our content hub, and I will launch that right now in the bottom left, so you can click that to take you there.
And I just wanted to thank everyone. Thank you, Dalton. Appreciate you doing this. I feel like there’s a lot for our audience to take away today. And I hope you guys get a lot out of the Big Bets report as well. And then just keep an eye out on your email. You’ll get the recording from the session. You’ll get the slides from the session.
And again, you’ll get the report. So, appreciate our audience for tuning in. Thank you so much. Y’all have a great afternoon. Bye, everyone. Thanks, guys.