
20+ Connected TV Statistics & Advertising Insights for 2023

By Tinuiti Team

It’s no surprise that consumers across the world are cutting the cord to cable due to the increased popularity of streaming services and the accessibility of OTT and CTV. In fact, in July 2022, the leading streaming services drew more viewers than cable TV for the first time and it’s expected that in 2023, cord-cutters will outnumber cord-nevers, those who have never paid for a traditional cable plan. It’s clear that more and more consumers are looking for flexibility and a better viewing experience while watching their favorite shows – luckily streaming platforms can provide both. 

In this article, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about Connected TV (CTV) including what it is, how marketers can benefit, and top CTV statistics.

What is Connected TV?

CTV stands for “connected TV” and includes televisions that are used to stream content over the internet. This can include both smart TVs as well as devices that hook up to TVs like Firesticks, Roku, Apple TV, etc. It is important to note that CTV and OTT, while similar, are not the same. OTT refers to any content that can be streamed from devices like TVs, phones, tablets, etc., while CTV is specific to TVs that connect to the internet.

Some examples of CTV devices include:

How Marketers Benefit from CTV Advertising

Consumers aren’t the only ones flocking to CTV in droves. Marketers have seen the opportunity that CTV is presenting from an advertising perspective as well. CTV advertising can solve a host of common marketing challenges and benefit both marketers and consumers. Let’s briefly dive into a few benefits of CTV advertising.

Easily Target Consumers With CTV Ads

With CTV advertising marketers have the opportunity to precisely target consumers like never before. While privacy is a top concern for marketers in the current climate, the TV screen is becoming one of the most targetable devices in an advertiser’s toolkit. Considering TV has never had cookies or IDFA to begin with, their deprecation doesn’t affect TV targeting in the same way. 

Today, most streaming platforms allow marketers to target against interests and behaviors, demographics, location, and custom audiences (based on first and third-party data sources). These vast targeting capabilities ensure marketers can reach their intended audience through their CTV campaign efforts. As a bonus, if you embrace a cross-channel approach to CTV advertising, you can target and retarget the same audience across multiple channels and screens.

Brand targeting and relevance are more important than ever considering:

CTV Advertising Increases Brand Awareness

Marketers who have incorporated CTV advertising into their strategy have seen positive results, including an increase in overall brand awareness. A brand lift study, conducted by Kantar, found that CTV ads boost brand awareness by 19%. An Innovid and Digiday report also found that 59% of advertisers said investing in CTV advertising raised their brand awareness. If you’re looking to increase your brand awareness in the market, you might want to consider adding CTV advertising to your strategy.

Measure the Success of CTV Ads

There is a huge myth in the streaming world that non-click-based media is impossible to track – making it difficult or impossible to measure TV ads. This notion is simply false and with a variety of metrics to analyze, it’s completely possible, and necessary, to track the success of your CTV campaigns. In our current day and age, we have the ability to measure results in real time in order to adjust targets and optimize campaigns as needed. 

But do CTV campaigns actually work? What types of consumers are likely to engage in these marketing efforts? Let’s take a look at the numbers.

Audience Statistics for CTV

The growing popularity of CTV is simply undeniable. In fact, 87% of U.S. adults own a connected TV, and 46% watch daily. But who exactly are the consumers watching CTV? Let’s take a deeper look at the demographics. 

Demographics of CTV Viewers

CTV streamers come in a variety of ages and backgrounds. Let’s examine some common demographics for CTV users.

Millennial and Gen Z CTV Viewership

Millennials and Gen Z have embraced CTV at extremely high rates. Let’s take a look at this demographic and how they contribute to overall streaming numbers. 

CTV Audiences Outside of the USA

The popularity of streaming is a worldwide phenomenon, not just limited to U.S. consumers. Let’s examine CTV audiences outside of the USA.

Marketing Spend Statistics for CTV Advertising

As the adoption of CTV grows worldwide, marketers have shifted significant efforts and large budgets of advertising spend into the streaming sphere, and for good reason.

CTV Ad Spend Chart
Source: eMarketer


Interested in learning more about CTV or additional forms of video and streaming advertising? Visit our Streaming services page, download our Ultimate Guide to Performance Streaming, or contact us today to chat with an expert. 

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