Google Dynamic Remarketing Webinar Recording [Video]

Katen Raj, our Director of Business Development recorded a whopper of a webinar last week on Google Dynamic Remarketing.
If you missed the live webinar, check out the recorded version:
Mary: Thank you for tuning in to our webinar on Google Dynamic Remarketing. With CPC strategy, director of business development Katen Raj.
My name is Mary, I’m the content manager here at CPC strategy and my job is to find, share and create awesome content for you. So, if you have any questions even outside of remarketing, please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]. Following this webinar, we will have a quick Q&A section, to answer Google dynamic remarketing questions. We also have a really cool and beefy marketing guide over at, which is a great resource also ( Without further adieu, I’ll pass you over to Katen. Katen: Great. Thanks Mary, I’m excited to have you all with us for the webinar today. And like Mary mentioned, I’ll be presenting on Google’s shiniest new advertising option, Dynamic Remarketing. And just to give you a little background on myself, I am the director of business development here at CPC strategy. I am charged with on boarding new clients, building strategic relationships and ultimately, serving our e-commerce community with the products they need. We do have an agenda for today’s session. For starters, I’m going to review traditional remarketing. Next, I’ll get into the meat and potatoes of what dynamic remarketing is. And finally, we get into some basic campaign setup and management strategies.
To really drive home the value in remarketing, I want to start with two key steps. On an average, 96 percent of the users visit your website leave without completing the desired action. That could be a purchas, and opt-in, an e-book download, registering for a webinar, whatever. But the key is it’s 96 percent. In e-commerce specifically, 70 percent of potential customers that add a product to the cart, leave without buying.That means, out of the 100 times that you have bought that keyword or ranked for that search term, received the click through or when you have funnelled them all the way to their desired product; 70 times out of 100, those potential customers are going to leave without buying. So what happens to all those bounced visitors? Enter remarketing.
Once that potential customer reaches your site, they are attracted via an ad after they finish browsing. Remarketing leverages the cookies based on the their visit. There’s a significant value there, because those bounced visitors have already shown interest in what your site has to offer. You are using your remarketing ad to remind them what initially piqued their interest and hopefully get them back to your site, so that they purchase or take that desired action.
Now, what I’m going to talk to you about today are ways to make that same remarketing program work even better for you a la dynamic remarketing. What dynamic remarketing allows you to do is create and serve dynamic, product specific ads, that are assembled in real-time to the relevant types of visitors to your site. It operates on the same premise as traditional remarketing, except it allows you to read target those non-converting visitors with the actual product they viewed and bundles of other products that they would be most likely to convert on via your Google Merchant Center feed. Now, I know that is a mouthful, so here is a realized example.
Say, you sell car parts online and the potential customer Car Part Joe or Car Guy Joe is in the market for new brake pads. He’s kind of, browsing around different brands of brake pads here and their, but eventually he reads this site to update his Facebook status. Unfortunately, he is now part of the 96 percent. While traditional marketing helps you find and identify Car Guy Joe again, to let you serve him a banner ad that you have designed. What dynamic remarketing allows you to do is to personalize the content within that ad and serve the same brake pads, or similar ones, on ad space within the Google display network.
Now after Car Guy Joe has updated his status, and he went over to his favorite car blog and bang, there is the brake pad that he’s been meaning to order. He’s feeling extra proactive right now, so he clicks through on the ad and purchases it. Google identified Joe’s previous intent, new brake pads, and serves him a relevant ad in real-time, to get him back to your car parts site. Now, there is a lot that had to happen for our Car Guy Joe to convert, so what I’m going to do next is review, just how Google dynamics remarketing, got him back to your site and add the key components you should understand.
Number one, specific products. Just like car guy Joe, you can display the exact product and style that your customer was interested in, automatically. This is a big deal. You can go after those buyers that made it all the way to the point of adding the product to their cart, but didn’t pull the trigger, with the actual product that they left in the cart. The Google dynamic remarketing tab will drop a cookie on to your buyer’s browser, collect the product ID for the product they viewed, the type of page your customer viewed and then, use this information to serve them the same or similar products on the ads space across the Google display network. You can even go as far as to specify what types of sites that were completely custom ad served on, but we’ll get into that within the management strategy section.
And your should remarketing ad should have the specific products that your visitors viewed. Ad building on the fly. So, not all ads remarekting ads converting ads are science in its own right. You can use Google’s ad building tools to quickly create ads. They provide certain style options that allow you to reinforce your brand’s look and feel within the actual ad. The ad builder is creating an assembling your ad, from a pool of potentially 100,000 interactive ads for all 1000 of your products in minutes, without having to pay a dime to a designer. Imagine you’re a furniture retailer and you have all types of categories: dining tables, chairs, beds, patio furniture.
The ad builder creates a rich product focused ad that you can serve aggressively the depending, the season. So, if it’s summertime, let’s fire up those patio furniture ads. If Thanksgiving’s coming up, let’s start serving those premium dining tables. The take home message here is that you can get all the benefits of retargeting with products specific ads, without having to spend all the time and money on designing the creative. You might think, that’s a lot of ads. Which one is actually going to work best? Well, Google already thought of that too, and they developed our key component number three: the auto optimize layout .
Google has developed an algorithm that pulls conversion and user data to determine exactly which kind of layout converts best for each type of device and audience type. If you take a look at the example images, in the first image, you see one set of boots, and in the third image you see three sets of boots. In the first image, Google may have identified that the specific visitor was focused exclusively on the single pair of boots, via insight from the cookie; order history, conversion data, time on page, there’s a bunch of metrics that it’s pulling in.
In the third image, the auto optimize layout, may have selected a three product mix because your visitor browsed three products specifically and, with their behavior, indicated that that is where they were interested in. You could waste a ton of time split testing across all the different layouts, or you could just like Google’s algorithm optimize it for you. Typically, I’m a little bit wary of letting Google optimize for me as an Internet Marketer, but in this case, this really makes a lot of sense.
Number four, the product recommendation engine. Google will not only recreate your remarket with specific products they have viewed, mix in related products that they might also be interested in. And oh yeah, they do this completely on their own. The product recommendation engine determines the combination of products shown in your dynamic ad that is most likely to get your customer to convert. They factor in what products they viewed on your site, their purchase history, as well as related products and top performing products.
It’s completely tailored to the customer who visited your site. It ups your chances of conversions by offering that additional product, because maybe Car Guy Joe already bought his brake pads. And, when it is used in combination with the optimized layouts, the product recommendation engine really helps create the perfectly tailored ad. So just to recap here. Google is creating all your ads via your merchant center feed, serving the best style/layout, and then including the most relevant product or product mix, based on user intent and conversion data. That sounds really awesome, right? Well, it goes further. Every visitor should not be treated equally. They need to be segmented, based on the actions they took on your site, which brings me to number five; your remarketing list.
Now, those of you who don’t know, a remarketing list is a collection of cookies from people who visited your site. When setting up a remarketing campaign, this is the list you target your ads to. Creating the list is one of the most important steps in setting up a remarketing campaign.
You can start creating lists at any time, but they’ll only start getting those visitors after you’ve placed their marketing tag on your site. In other words, it’s who has come to your site, and what they did once they got there. For instance, the value of a visitor who abandoned the cart, is going to be much higher than someone who simply visited your homepage or your blog. Your lists segment these visitors and allows you to target them differently within the Adwords interface. Now Google, they’re automatically going to create these five lists for you. And the ad they’re served will act differently for each. So for general visitors, the dynamic ad will include the most popular products, in terms your site. For product viewers, the dynamic ads will show the products, the visitors viewed and mix in a recommended product.
The one recommendation is maybe, an additional brand, maybe a more expensive option. It gives your potential customers the option to convert on these other items. For shopping cart abandoners, the dynamic ad will prioritize items added into the shopping cart. It will mix in a few other viewed products and recommended products. For past buyers, the dynamic ad will show related products, by looking at popular items and items commonly purchased together.
To summarize, Google is taking your site’s different types of visitors and serving them product specific ads based on the ad layout/product mix that is most likely to convert. So, now that you know why Google dynamic remarketing is so awesome, let’s review the actual grunt work of setting up your campaign.
Step 1A; install the dynamic remarketing tag on your site. The remarketing tag on your site will pull down the product identification numbers, from the product your visitor viewed, and pass them on to Adwords. The product recommendation engine, that we talked about earlier, will then match these product IDs to your Google Merchant Center feed and use those characteristics to power your dynamic ads.
So you want to make sure that your product ID is on-site, and the IDs that you are submitting within the Google Merchant Center feed are exactly the same, because that’s what Google is going to be using. So just as an example, let’s say our friend Phil is shopping around for a new pitching wedge. He has already got an expensive set of irons and drivers but his pitching wedge needs to be upgraded. He searches your golf shop site and looks at pitching wedge A, but he gets distracted by Twitter and leaves your site. The tag identifies the Phil was looking for pitching wedges, it will now serve him an ad with not only the specific pitching wedge A he was looking for, but also with a variety of your top selling P wedges.
Step 1B; set up your target audiences. You are going to want to navigate to your shared library, audiences, then select the remarketing list from your new audience drop down. From there, create a list definition, in other words who you want to contain in the audience. And then finally assign the audiences to the ad groups you think will work best. Remember, you’ll have five lists predefined for you in Google.
Step 1C; setup your product data feeds. This is a big deal for Google product search and for dynamic remarketing. Create the Google Merchant Center account and submit your fully optimized product data feed. You can use the same fee you’re using for PLA’s like I’ve mentioned, or create a brand-new one specifically for retargeting. Every platform will have some way to export the data feed. Most of you already have one, there’s other plug-ins, extensions etc. If you have questions about getting that installed or exporting an actual feed from your platform, feel free to shoot me an e-mail ([email protected]), I’ll see if I can point you in the right direction.
Now, we’re going to get into some of the specifics of campaign set up. So you’ll need to set up a new display network campaign, you’ll need to name the campaign and add your daily budget. Create a new ad group, name the ad group, enter your CPC, select the list-that’s important, and then save. Next, here’s where you will create your ads. Make sure to select the option for the auto optimized layout and upload a high resolution logo. Google will automatically create all the different sizes. You have some insight into what some of the look and feel of your ad. But all the different sizes across the display network group, Google creates them for you, which is awesome.
Next, you’re going to want to choose your button text and come up with your headline. And so, this is one of the variables that you do have control over and it’s pretty cool. This is a good spot for those coupons or those free shipping offers, etc. Pick your colors that reflect your brand.
And now that your campaign is ready to go, let’s review some management strategies. So here, I’m going to cover techniques you’d use to optimize, and potentially audit, your existing campaigns.
Number one, this is really important. It’s build a bidding hierarchy based on the visitor’s stage in the funnel. So not all visitors are created equal, right? So cart abandoners and past purchasers are much more likely to convert again. You want to give your ads the best chance in that Google display network auction by bidding the highest there.
Next are product viewers. They’ve actually taken a step closer towards conversion and are signalling their interests. So, this could also fall into tier 1, with your passed purchasers and cart abandoners, depending on your vertical and your sales cycle. Category pages, they receive less pages, and they aren’t as qualified as those that purchased previously are added. They’re definitely tier 2, and should have lower bids. Tier 3 are your non- transactional visits. Before you’re profitable, I wouldn’t focus too much of your budget here, as these visitors are going to be least likely to make a purchase or convert.
Not all ad locations are created equal, like I mentioned earlier. So you want to make sure that you audit your placements. You can drill into the ad groups you’ve setup and ensuring that you are appearing on relevant sites. If you identify any trends for instance, sites that you are converting better on than others, you can bid up on those locations within the Google display network. AdWords allows you to exclude or pause certain placements as well.
Number three, make sure you are fully optimizing your headline text. Using offer or a coupon code, specifically within your marketing campaigns can be an effective way to finally push that buyer over the edge. You know, get them to purchase. They may have been on the fence of purchasing or weren’t ready to plunk down the cash before, but that extra discount could be just what you need to tip the scale in your favor.
Number four, did down on mobile. Unless you’re historically performing very well via mobile, I would establish a baseline between computers and tablets first, and bid down on your mobile devices. There are some anomalies out there that do well in mobile, but chances are you are going to convert better on the desktops. So focus your ad spent and time on being profitable first, and then once you’ve established a nice baseline where you are in the green, then cast a wider net in the mobile space.
Number five, edit your ad schedule. This goes for Adwords campaign. This goes for Google shopping, it goes for dynamic remarketing. If you’re struggling to be profitable on a campaign, save money by analyzing when your ads are actually converting and limit the time periods that they aren’t. Generally, I don’t recommend serving ads between 1:00 and 4:00 AM unless the data tells you otherwise. Now there may be some night owls that do convert. But as a best practice, limit the least likely time periods until your ads or campaigns are in the green.
Number six, use display network keywords. Now this is a cool feature. After creating a new ad group and selecting the list you want to target, say all visitors. You can drill down into the placement of your ads across the GDN [Google Display Network] by selecting certain keywords that are related to the type of site you’d like your ad to be served on.
For example, say you sell sports equipment. You could focus this ad group or this set of visitors ads, to be displayed only on sites related to the keyword camping gear. And that is really cool because it really lets you… If say you don’t have a huge budget or you are just testing out dynamic remarketing on your own, you can really focus in on the types of sites that your ads… You can focus on a golf blog if you sell golf products, on a car blog if you sell car products. It’s really nice because it’s based off the keywords.
So, following that same premise is using display network topics. So, Google’s display network is segmented into different types of sites. Using the topic options you can place your ads on multiple display network pages that have content related to the topics that you selected. So, this option also makes it pretty easy to ensure that you are serving ads to the right type of buyer. Now, key to remember here is that you are adding some significant restrictions to your campaigns by selecting topics and selecting keywords.
And so it’s probably best to use all visitors for this type of retargeting. Unless you have got 100,000 uniques a month or what not, and a ton of visitors that it is that big and you can’t segment, there is going to be value. But otherwise, you want to cast a wide net here. You’re already serving the ads on very related site, so make sure to be wary of the actual reach of your dynamic retargeting. When you’re setting this up it should be in a nice square there, so it will show how many people you can actually display the ad to.
So analyze on the landing page level. This technique is mainly reserved for some larger scale campaigns that I’ve seen and worked with, but analyzing your campaign on the landing page level provides good insight. So, you’re exposing different portions of your visitors are all your visitors to dynamic remarketing ads.
You’re letting Google decide what products or blend of products to expose, so you should definitely drill into the landing page, or the product level, to assess your return on investment and address any anomalies. Because if for whatever reason Google is serving the same product over and over again, within your recommended products. And you’re using their products recommendation engine, and that’s not converting, you want to know. You want to know exactly what is leading to that. And you can do this by logging into Google Analytics, navigating the search, campaigns, your specific ad group and then make sure to set the secondary dimension to landing page. And should give you what you are seeing above.
Number eight, accelerate your ad serving. So, if you’re following the techniques above, if you have a good idea, a good grasp of what you’re doing with your campaign. And are on the best converting devices, you should really accelerate the delivery of your ads. This gives you the opportunity to recapture those orders and sales.
We don’t care if you’re serving them evenly. If you’re are profitable, if they’re being served to the right audience, at the right time, and its leading to new sales- accelerate it. Let it go, serve it as often as possible because those are sales that you are potentially leaving on the table because your delivery method is show active and evenly over time.
This is pretty standard for e-commerce. You want to devote resources to optimizing your checkout process and landing pages. The key here is to going after the lowest hanging fruit, which is most likely for e-commerce guys, is going to be your landing pages. And then, the checkout process and then finally, your home and category pages.
You know, like we talked about earlier, 96 percent of the customers are leaving without completing your desired action. So every little adjustment, every tenth of a percent that moves that conversion rate needle helps. And it doesn’t just help with dynamic, it applies to everything; it applies to your SEO, it applies to your e-mail marketing, it applies to your direct traffic, your organic traffic.
If you can convert visitors better, if you can move that conversion rate needle, it’s going to obviously help you profit and drive a few more sales. If you’re just starting out, try starting with one AB test a month. Send out a project with one of your marketing managers. It’s addictive, as an owner, it’s important for you continued success and and you can start to continue, “Okay, this was very conclusive after one month, that I should be doing this. Now, what next? What should we test next?”
Okay, next one. So don’t get cute. Use the optimized layout. A single creative, it runs over 60 ad variations. There is drastic performance increase by allowing Google to decide the layout for you, and it’s pretty impossible to AB test all the combos. Again, with dynamic remarketing, you’re at the mercy at the number of visitors you have. If you have 10,000 visitors, if you have a ton of visitors to go through and you can drill into into these different metrics and its worth that time, you know, go ahead. But otherwise stick with optimized layout.
You can also look for age and gender trends. You can do this by drilling into the display network tab of your campaign. They [Google] have it broken out male, female, and then they also have the age groups segmented too. So if you identify anything special, you can go ahead and segment by those and bid up on those areas as well.
Then finally, AB test your headline button. You can create separate dynamic remarketing ad groups, targeting the same audiences with the same bid and adjust your headline plus button for each. If run together for long enough, a winner should emerge. And with the AB test with the headline and the button, you just want to make sure that your headline text and your button pops and that your headline text is an offer, that’s going to get a customer to move down the funnel.
So, free shipping is a good example, your coupon codes are a good example. They’re not created equally so maybe if you want to test your free shipping versus your coupon code, maybe you want to test the color of your button. It may make sense to set those separate campaigns up and run them in unison. Finally, that about wraps it up for the content portion of the webinar. Thank you for listening. Hopefully the webinar helped drill into the value of dynamic remarketing with Google. Mary and I will be taking your questions for the next ten to fifteen minutes.
Mary: Thanks Katen and all of you, I see your questions on the track function already, so thanks for tuning in and thanks for chatting with us. So I’m just going to dive right in and have Katen start answering some of those questions. Right off the bat, I’ve got a question from Jonathan, which is a great one, and it says, “Where does Google gets the product information for remarketing ads?”
Katen: Okay, so that’s a good question. So you’re submitting your product data feeds through the Google Merchant Center. Within that data feeds, you’ve got your titles, descriptions, images, links, Google product type. That’s where they are pulling up the information to create the ads. The cool thing is the system is processing and creating all these ads in real-time, for every single impression. An impression here, impression there, the algorithm is running, deciding exactly what to put together in real-time. So to answer your question, it’s from the Google Merchant Center.
Mary: Awesome, very cool let’s see… lots of questions here. This one is from Albert. Albert wants to know, “Why should I use Google dynamic remarketing as opposed to AdRoll or similar programs?”
Katen: Ah, good question. Okay AdRoll, with AdRoll or some of the other third parties, you’re going to get access to Facebook’s display network or the News feed or the ads that are on Facebook. Right now, Google and Facebook, they’re not really playing nice for obvious reasons.
And Facebook’s not included in Google’s dynamic remarketing program. Both AdRoll and Google offers CPM and CPC. Most of the dynamic options, but the cool thing with Google is that it’s underneath your AdWords interface, and everything is there for you it work with. You’ve got the power of the entire platform, you’ve got all the different segmentation options, time and serving options. If Facebook really is driving that value for you, if it really is converting for you, you could go with AdRoll for specifically that as well. But that’s the main difference, the fact that Addroll is going to give you access to Facebook’s display network.
Mary: Awesome. So actually this question comes from a couple of people, so obviously, it’s something that a lot of merchants are curious about. Both Mike and Brad want to know, “Do I need to send a separate feed to the Google Merchant Center?”
Katen: Okay, so that’s a good question. You can use the same one or create two different feeds. With most campaigns that I’ve seen and these are big ticket, all the way down to smaller campaigns. They’re using the same feed. Now that’s not to say if you have in your product data feed that you don’t want to include in dynamic remarketing or you don’t want to include in your ad.
Say, they may be low margin, or it costs you ten extra bucks to ship this item, or you’re selling it at math that just doesn’t work. You can exclude those products from your one Google Merchant Center Feed. You can set up a product filter through the add extensions tab to exclude those products. So your ads will only serve the 80 or 90 percent that you are actually including.
Mary: Awesome. So I’ve got a question from Barbara. Barbara asks, “How does Google know which product to remarket, if they visit multiple products?”
Katen: Okay, so that goes back to the product recommendation engine. And the recommendation is choosing based on intent, and what you’ve actually visited, and it sources even your popular products, it sources what’s converted, sources their purchase history, everything the cookie can leverage in our favor, as the actual site, they’re going to use to decide the best product. Kind of similar to Google shopping.
Where on Google shopping, someone does a search query. Google is sourcing all the different data feeds, multiplying it by your bid price and deciding the most relevant product result. It’s similar with the product recommendation engine, where it’s just sourcing your data feed, the data from the user on what they’ve done, what they’ve purchased, or what they’ve or they are interested in, and creating that add.
Mary: Awesome. Let’s see what else do we have here. Oh, here’s one from David who says, ” Do, you have to use the dynamic remarketing tag to have a Google dynamic remarketing campaign?”
Katen: Yes, so you need to collect the specific page credentials and drop the cookie onto your visitor’s browser. It is a special cookie and it speaks to the Google Merchant Center feed and it speaks to what you have on your page. So yes, you definitely want to get that set up. It’s pretty easy if you have a developer, to integrate it. It does go on every single page. But if you have a developer it should be pretty straightforward for them to set up.
Mary: Definitely. Here’s a question I hear a lot about PLA’s, but I assume it would also definitely be a thing that people are going to have questions about remarketing as well. This one is from Nancy who wants to know, “What kind of a budget should I have for remarketing?”
Katen: Okay, so with remarketing and your budget, you’re really at the mercy of your visitors. So, if you have 100,000 visitors and you convert 4- 5 percent or 2-3 percent of them, into actual buyers, you’re going to be spending more than if you have 10,000 visitors. The key is to do what you can, to get it to profitability. If that means focusing on shopping cart abandoners or product viewers over category page viewers, that is where you should be focusing your ad spend.
There really isn’t a set budget, I mean you can limit the budget within your campaign for a daily spend amount. Say you only want to spend 10,000 per month on the campaign, you can limit it. But ultimately, if it’s profitable and you’re turning those 96 percent of visitors that leave into converters, there really shouldn’t be a budget. It should just be profitable, not profitable.
Mary: And here is another one about tags, tagging, a tag question. Chris wants to know,“How do you get the remarketing tack on your site?”
Katen: Okay so that kind of ties back into the other question about the dynamic remarketing tag. But, you’re going to need a developer who has to go on every page, there’s a couple of custom variables in there that you’re going to need to get set up. There’s also, if you check out the link I included in the webinar, there’s some additional, custom parameters you can include in the tag. If you’re already going to fork out the cash for the developer and getting them to install the tag, why not get some of the extra insight and install some of the extra variable? And so, make sure to check out that link, but definitely need a developer and it does have to go on every page.
Mary: Alrighty. Katen: All right, have you got any more here? Mary: We’ve got just a couple more left. One from Jen, she wants to know, “How do I know Google dynamic remarketing is converting?”
Katen: Okay, so that’s pretty straightforward. You’re going to use the AdWords conversion, that’s going to go on your order confirmation page. Key point about that is you want to make sure you have the total conversion value populated with your cart’s variable. That basically sends your revenue amount or order information back through Adwords. So, when somebody does purchase instead of just seeing a conversion in ad words, you’ll see the $49.99. It will actually go back into the interface and says, “Okay, I paid $10 for this traffic. Is the $50 product profitable or not profitable? ” You can kind of make your adjustments that way.
Mary: So, Stephen has a question that is pretty similar to Nancy’s. He’s asking, “How much does Google dynamic remarketing cost?”
Katen: Okay so again, that’s just profitability. So, ultimately you could set CPC, you can set CPA’s. It’s up to you as to how much it will actually cost. If it’s profitable, you’re obviously going to want to spend more on your campaign.
Mary: Very cool. Oh, here’s an interesting one from Andrew. “What are other remarketing lists outside of Google’s?” Katen: So there are some cool segmentation options that you can do. You can change it up by day. You can say visitors less than 14 days, that have visited in the past 14 days. I want to bid much more aggressively on them. Or you can say visitors in the last 60 days, I want to bid lower on them. You can even segment your shopping cart abandoners so that you are bidding differently on shopping cart abandoners that abandon the cart with products greater than $100.
Because that $100 shopping cart abandoner, he’s worth more than your $12.99 shopping cart abandoner. And so you want to segment those and treat them differently with your bidding. Just because the potential profits and what you would be willing to spend is going to be a little bit higher with those higher AOV (average order value) items, even if they convert less.
Mary: Definitely. So, we are basically running out of time, so I’m going to close up the questions section. I apologize to anybody whose questions we didn’t get to. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have additional questions, even if your questions weren’t answered.
But, thank you everybody for tuning in. If you are interested in potentially gauging, if a remarketing campaign is something that you want to be interested in doing, and if CPC strategy would be a good fit for you, please also feel free to reach out to Katen to see, if that would be a good fit. And his number is on the screen at the moment. So again, thanks everybody and thanks for tuning in.