Wize Commerce Announces New Price-focused Comparison Shopping Engine "Price Machine"

Wize Commerce, the owners of Nextag, had a few big announcements in this month’s newsletter. The biggest of the announcements was the roll out of a new comparison shopping engine (CSE) called Price Machine. Wize Commerce is promoting it as a “lowest price” marketplace tailored to the needs of “price discriminating shoppers”.
You can read the Wize Commerce newsletter in its entirety below with the Price Machine announcement in bold.
This month brings with it a lot of news in the marketplace, including changes to Google’s important AdWords system, big changes in the agency community, and even some news from us.We view Google’s enhancements to AdWords as positive. The changes are consistent with our current optimization processes, but they make it even easier for the Wize Commerce platform to capitalize on traffic from smartphones and tablets and from location-based sources or so-called geo-targeting. Overall, we’re confident that the new AdWords capabilities will allow us to boost our already significant capabilities to drive broad traffic from sources that are becoming increasingly important — mobile and local.
Google also announced an agency acquisition, one that appears to have raised a few eyebrows. Can a Google-owned agency be neutral with respect to Google Shopping? They say yes and we hope that is the case. But, in our view, what is happening is consistent with the maturing phase of e-commerce…consolidation and verticalization are only natural. We think we?ll see more of this and we view this as a positive trend for us, as the largest independent shopping network, operating over a dozen high volume e-commerce sites like Nextag and guenstiger.de, in over a dozen countries. Our neutrality and multi-channel traffic generation capabilities allow us to offer merchant customers like you a range of great solutions and the highest ROI for your marketing spend. These solutions include our Shopping Network, as well as Silhouette, a risk-free implementation of our traffic and site optimization technologies.
Announcing Price Machine…the newest site from Wize Commerce. Most of you are familiar with Nextag, our largest site. This month, we are happy to announce the launch of what will be another significant site, Price Machine. Although we generally don’t favor the idea of promoting “lowest price” as a principal differentiator in the marketplace — it’s often not good for merchants, or suppliers — we’re realists in recognizing that most shoppers have a strong urge to understand as much as they can about price before they buy. We can’t ignore this trend any longer, and so Price Machine will be an important information source for strongly price discriminating shoppers. By offering multiple shopping experiences with our Wize Commerce platform, we can ensure that all shoppers have access to experiences that suit their needs, and at the end of the day this should bolster our ability to drive maximum revenue to our merchant customers. Please contact our seller support team if you have any questions about Price Machine. Generation 1 of Price Machine launches later this month.
New from Us…social data ads, and Silhouette enhanced to support social traffic in addition to search and retargeting traffic. Contact us us to learn more about these new tools coming soon.
Finally, if you’re a reader of Fast Company online, you may have seen our CEO Jeff Katz’s front page article this month on the “Future of Shopping.” We’re excited to embrace this future with you, and help you wherever we can to maximize conversion and your overall e-commerce business model.
Best wishes,