
Become Getting Ready for Halloween, in July

By Tinuiti Team

Every kid’s favorite holiday is off to an early start this year, as is announcing their launching of a Halloween microsite that’ll allow merchants to specifically advertise and promote their Halloween related listings.

From Mother’s Day to Black Friday, Become has generally been in the forefront when it comes to special promotions in the CSE space.

The actual Halloween microsite will launch on September 7th and will be a portal for consumers to find all things Halloween related. To get set up a merchant can submit a limited feed with 50 containing pertinent information such as titles, descriptions, and URLs:

Here’s an example for individual product deals:

Product title: $10 off Grim Reaper Costume
Description: This costume comes complete with your personal scythe (adjustable handle length and engraved pattern of your choosing), now available at $10 discount with Promocode SPOOK10 while supplies last. The cloak is made from soft velvet and features…
URL: www.yourstoreURL/grimreaper00111
Store Description: Your Store has been in business since 2005…

And for specific category deals:

Deal Description: 10% off Harry Potter Costumes with Discount Code HP2010
URL: www.yourstoreURL/costumes/harrypotter

Remember, it’s never too early to start planning for Halloween, whether you’re a merchant, or a trick-or-treater.

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