
Top 5 Q4 Holiday Fulfillment Mistakes

By Tinuiti Team


Q4 is rapidly approaching and customer expectations will reach an all time high during the holidays. Stay ahead of the curve in Q4 and avoid the top 5 fulfillment mistakes listed below.

1.Not Displaying Product Availability

Year round, retailers can encourage purchases with a product count for top selling items, such as “Only 15 left in stock!” Additionally, retailers can enhance their check out process and minimize cart abandonment.

Shopping cart abandonmentProduct Availability- Displaying product count is critical during the holiday season. First to encourage urgency, and to avoid shoppers abandoning the shopping cart due to an out of stock item.

Enhance Checkout- Cart abandonment occurs frequently on checkout pages which are confusing or hard to use.

Make sure you checkout page is:


2. Not Scaling Fulfillment Operations For The Holiday

20-40% of  annual revenue for most online retailers comes from the holiday season. Be prepared for a rapid increase of site orders and staff accordingly for the holidays.

If you have your own warehouse, organize your warehouse for the holiday and put the best selling products in easily accessible locations.

3.  Not Offering Rush Shipping For The Holiday.

free-shipping-infographic-feature38% of online shoppers expect free shipping items to arrive within 3-4 days. 

Here are some holiday shipping tips to enhance your ecommerce fulfillment:


4. Incorrect Delivery Estimates

29% of consumers will not shop at an online store if they’ve had a fulfillment issue with them.

Here are some quick tips for online delivery:


5. Not Offering Gift Wrap

If you can offer gift wrap, gift message, or other packaging options your customers will have another reason to choose your store versus a competitor.

Other considerations:

There are many considerations for Holiday fulfillment, be sure to talk with your Analytics team, suppliers, and warehouse manager while outlining your holiday strategy.


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