As it does with most aspects of SEM, Bing updated its current structure of product listing ads to Google’s structure of Shopping that it launched last summer. More information on the beta program can be found here.
This new Shopping structure allows marketers to optimize their campaigns with significantly more segmentation, as those familiar with the Google PLA to Shopping update will recall.
The Bing Shopping user interface is almost identical to that of Google’s. Settings found in Google’s Shopping campaigns, from priority levels to inventory filters, have been mimicked in Bing’s Shopping update.
Similar to Google, Bing has a product group structure that allows users to segment their products much more granularly. Both category and product type can be broken down multiple levels. Bing Shopping also now allows five custom labels, which is a significant upgrade from the one that Bing PLAs allows.
The best feature of this upgrade is the ability to import Shopping campaigns from Google in bulk. This will save time for those who manage larger clients or any clients with much segmented Shopping campaigns. Additionally, any structure changes made within Google can be easily replicated within Bing just by re-syncing.
Timelines for integration with third-party apps have yet to be determined.