
Best TED Talks For Online Business Owners

By Tinuiti Team

Most watched ted talks

TED Talks  (Technology, Entertainment and Design)  are a great resource for anyone, but they can also be significantly useful and insightful for business owners and those working in ecommerce.

In case you are unaware of TED talks, here’s a quick video explanation.

You can browse TED Talk lists, and there is a page dedicated to TED Talks for marketers, but generally site search is a bit difficult.

Best TED Talks For Ecommerce Marketers

To save you a little time, we’ve compiled our favorite TED Talks (and TEDx) below.

Best TED Talks: Ecommerce

Let The Inventory Walk And Talk– Mick Mountz

Shining The Light In Data Dark Areas To Stimulate Real Change– Joel Selanikio

What Is The Internet, Really?- Adrew Blum


Best TED Talks: Marketing

How To Get Your Ideas To Spread– Seth Godin

The Power of Vulnerability– Brene Brown

Trial, Error And The God Complex– Tim Harford

Best TED Talks: Advertising

Selling Condoms In The Congo– Amy Lockwood

The Greatest Ted Talk Ever Sold– Morgan Spurlock

Life Lessons From An Ad Man– Rory Sutherland

Best TED Talks: Web Design

Designing With Slogans– Stefan Sagmeister

Using Design To Make Ideas New– Milton Glaser

How Beauty Feels– Richard Seymour

Best TED Talks: Buy- In

The Tribes We Lead– Seth Godin

How To Start A Movement– Derek Sivers

How To Make Choosing Easier– Sheena Iyengar

Best TED Talks: Social Media

How To Make A Splash In Social Media– Alexis Ohanian

How Social Media Can Make History– Clay Shirky

Listening To Twitter Users– Evan Williams

How The Internet Enables Intimacy– Stefana Broadbent


Best TED Talks: Branding

3 Ways To (Usefully) Lose Control Of Your Brand– Tim Lebrecht

The Currency Of The New Economy Is Trust– Rachel Botsman

Best TED Talks: User Experience

The Art Of Asking– Amanda Palmer

404, Story Of A Page Not Found– Renny Gleeson

What Consumers Want– Joseph Pine

The Post-Crisis Consumer– John Gerzema

Best TED Talks: Business

How Great Leaders Inspire Action– Simon Sinek

Dare To Disagree– Margaret Heffernan

The Key To Success?-Grit-Angela Lee Duckworth (6 min)

Best TED Talks: Thought Provoking

The Power Of Introverts– Suzan Cain

Are We In Control Of Our Decisions?– Dan Ariely

Where Good Ideas Come From– Steven Johnson

8 Secrets Of Success– Richard St. John

Glamour– Virginia Postrel

Best TED Talks: Networking

Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are– Amy Cuddy

Best TED Talks: Productivity

What Makes Us Feel Good About Our Work?- Dan Ariely

Got A Meeting? Take A Walk– Nilofer Merchant

The Happy Secret To Better Work– Shawn Achor

Why Work Doesn’t Happen At Work– Jason Fried

The Puzzle of Motivation– Dan Pink

Smart Failure For A Fast Changing World– Eddie Obeng

Best TED Talks: Happiness

9 Happiness Ted Talks

Choice, Happiness And Spaghetti Sauce– Malcolm Gladwell

The Paradox of Choice– Barry Schwartz

How To Buy Happiness– Michael Norton

Best TED Talks: Inspiration

Stats That Reshape Your World-View– Hans Rosling

Untapped Potential – Mike Barwis (Ted X)

3 Clues To Understanding Your Brain– VS Ramachandran (6 min)

3 Rules To Spark Learning– Ramsy Musallam

The Game That Can Give You 10 Extra Years Of Life – Jane McGonigal

TED Talk Compilation: A Better You (11 talks)

Best TED Talks: Find TED Talks

Most Shared Ted Talks (Google spreadsheet)

New to TED? (11 talks)

Bill Gates 13 Favorite TED Talks

CPC Strategy’s TED Talk Tuesdays

Weekly inspiration regarding business strategy, marketing, and just cool life-hacks that will make you a more efficient business owner or employee. We go in-depth and deliver key takeaways so you can start off your week the right way.


Which TED talks are your favorites?

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