TED Talks (Technology, Entertainment and Design) are a great resource for anyone, but they can also be significantly useful and insightful for business owners and those working in ecommerce.
In case you are unaware of TED talks, here’s a quick video explanation.
You can browse TED Talk lists, and there is a page dedicated to TED Talks for marketers, but generally site search is a bit difficult.
Best TED Talks For Ecommerce Marketers
To save you a little time, we’ve compiled our favorite TED Talks (and TEDx) below.
Best TED Talks: Ecommerce
Let The Inventory Walk And Talk– Mick Mountz
Shining The Light In Data Dark Areas To Stimulate Real Change– Joel Selanikio
What Is The Internet, Really?- Adrew Blum
Best TED Talks: Marketing
How To Get Your Ideas To Spread– Seth Godin
The Power of Vulnerability– Brene Brown
Trial, Error And The God Complex– Tim Harford
Best TED Talks: Advertising
Selling Condoms In The Congo– Amy Lockwood
The Greatest Ted Talk Ever Sold– Morgan Spurlock
Life Lessons From An Ad Man– Rory Sutherland
Best TED Talks: Web Design
Designing With Slogans– Stefan Sagmeister
Using Design To Make Ideas New– Milton Glaser
How Beauty Feels– Richard Seymour
Best TED Talks: Buy- In
The Tribes We Lead– Seth Godin
How To Start A Movement– Derek Sivers
How To Make Choosing Easier– Sheena Iyengar
Best TED Talks: Social Media
How To Make A Splash In Social Media– Alexis Ohanian
How Social Media Can Make History– Clay Shirky
Listening To Twitter Users– Evan Williams
How The Internet Enables Intimacy– Stefana Broadbent
Best TED Talks: Branding
3 Ways To (Usefully) Lose Control Of Your Brand– Tim Lebrecht
The Currency Of The New Economy Is Trust– Rachel Botsman
Best TED Talks: User Experience
The Art Of Asking– Amanda Palmer
404, Story Of A Page Not Found– Renny Gleeson
What Consumers Want– Joseph Pine
The Post-Crisis Consumer– John Gerzema
Best TED Talks: Business
How Great Leaders Inspire Action– Simon Sinek
Dare To Disagree– Margaret Heffernan
The Key To Success?-Grit-Angela Lee Duckworth (6 min)
Best TED Talks: Thought Provoking
The Power Of Introverts– Suzan Cain
Are We In Control Of Our Decisions?– Dan Ariely
Where Good Ideas Come From– Steven Johnson
8 Secrets Of Success– Richard St. John
Glamour– Virginia Postrel
Best TED Talks: Networking
Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are– Amy Cuddy
Best TED Talks: Productivity
What Makes Us Feel Good About Our Work?- Dan Ariely
Got A Meeting? Take A Walk– Nilofer Merchant
The Happy Secret To Better Work– Shawn Achor
Why Work Doesn’t Happen At Work– Jason Fried
The Puzzle of Motivation– Dan Pink
Smart Failure For A Fast Changing World– Eddie Obeng
Best TED Talks: Happiness
9 Happiness Ted Talks
Choice, Happiness And Spaghetti Sauce– Malcolm Gladwell
The Paradox of Choice– Barry Schwartz
How To Buy Happiness– Michael Norton
Best TED Talks: Inspiration
Stats That Reshape Your World-View– Hans Rosling
Untapped Potential – Mike Barwis (Ted X)
3 Clues To Understanding Your Brain– VS Ramachandran (6 min)
3 Rules To Spark Learning– Ramsy Musallam
The Game That Can Give You 10 Extra Years Of Life – Jane McGonigal
TED Talk Compilation: A Better You (11 talks)
Best TED Talks: Find TED Talks
Most Shared Ted Talks (Google spreadsheet)
Bill Gates 13 Favorite TED Talks
CPC Strategy’s TED Talk Tuesdays
Weekly inspiration regarding business strategy, marketing, and just cool life-hacks that will make you a more efficient business owner or employee. We go in-depth and deliver key takeaways so you can start off your week the right way.
- Seth Godin: This is Broken
- Adam Leipzig: How to Know Your Life Purpose in 5 Minutes
- Steve Jobs: How to Live Before You die
- Mike Barwis: Find Your Catalyst
- Gary Vaynerchuk: Do What You Love (No Excuses)
- Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action
- Ric Elias: 3 Things I Learned While My Plane Crashed
- Nilofer Merchant: Got a Meeting? Take a Walk
- Rory Sutherland: Life Lessons From An Ad Man
- Matt Cutts: Try Something New For 30 Days
- Arianna Huffington: How to Succeed? Get More Sleep
- Dan Cobley: What Physics Taught Me About Marketing
- Sergey Brin: Why Google Glass?
- Jason Fried: Why Work Doesn’t Happen At Work
- Adam Garone: Healther Men, One Moustache At a Time
- Ed Gavagan: A Story About Knots and Surgeons