
Facebook Ad Specs and Image Sizes [2021]

By Tinuiti Team

For your Facebook ads and images to be effective, it’s content and creative needs to be tailored exactly to the audience it’s reaching, the product it’s selling and, maybe most importantly, the medium it’s displayed on.

That’s particularly true in Facebook advertising, which offers marketers a whole slew of sizes, placements and ad styles across hundreds of platforms and sites across the web. If you want to get the most out of your ads, it’s important to pay attention to details such as Facebook ad specs and Facebook image sizes.

Facebook Ad Specs and Image Sizes 2021

Though you could try a one-size-fits-all method, that’s likely going to result in some disappointments along the way – either for the end user or in your campaign’s ultimate ROI.

Want to make sure your ads are customized perfectly for the exact placement and ad type you’ve chosen?

Use this guide for Facebook ad specs to help:


1. Single Image Ads


These are the oldest type of ad in the book. A simple, single image with a link, small amount of copy and a headline, they’re easy to set up and work with every type of ad objective except for video views.

The Facebook ad specs for single image ads are split into two: without link and with link

Image without link:



Image with link:




facebook image size


2. Single Video Ads

Video ads are similar to image ads, except with a video in place of a static image. They can be used with any objective except for the Product Catalog Promotion one.

The Facebook ad specs of single videos ads are:



360 video ads are an immersive way to present your brand to customers. Viewers can explore 360 views by either turning their device or dragging their finger to move around within the video. This can also be viewed in VR using such devices as the Oculus Rift or Samsung Gear VR.  





4. Collection Ads

Collection ads compile several product images within a cover image or video to allow users to discover products in a visually immersive way.

Here are the Facebook ad specs for Collection Ads:

Collection Ads use the first image or video from your Instant Experience ad as the cover photo for your media set. Once a user clicks on it, they are then directed to a full-screen Instant Experience page.


facebook collection ad


4. Carousel Ads

Carousel ads let you use a combination of all other ad types, running up to 10 images, slideshows or videos in one single campaign. Each element can even be linked out to different landing pages.

The Facebook ad specs for carousel ads are:




Facebook ad sizes and specs are constantly evolving and changing, so check back often for updated ad specs as they crop up.
facebook carousel ads


Facebook ad sizes and specs are constantly evolving and changing, so check back often for updated ad specs as they crop up.


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