Tom Critchlow vs. Will Critchlow: The Ultimate Sibling Rivalry

The Critchlow brothers are two of the most respected SEOs on the planet but unlike Venus & Serena Williams they can’t determine the most talented sibling through an athletic endeavor.
So how are we supposed to tell which brother has the upper hand? It wasn’t possible until NOW!
Thanks to a new tool from which analyzes a user’s twitter history we can settle the Critchlow brother debate once and for all!
Noooooo! This didn’t solve anything! Will has more “tweets seen per day” and more total followers but Tom has a better follower ratio.
We need to settle this Critchlow-off so we reached out to each brother on Twitter to see what they thought:
Got a haircut. Head cold. Send hats.
— Will Critchlow (@willcritchlow) January 30, 2012
Not exactly the response we were looking for but Will seems like a pretty modest guy. Let’s see how Tom replied:
Tomorrow is the first basketball game of the season for me. First basketball game in ~4 years. Expect this:…
— Tom Critchlow (@tomcritchlow) January 31, 2012
Unfortunately it looks like Will & Tom are not quite as concerned about this sibling rivalry as the rest us are, so I guess we will have to call this one a draw 🙁
If you want to try and get the brothers to settle the score in person and/or learn a TON of cutting edge SEO tactics, you should seriously consider attending the SearchLove conference hosted by Tom & Will’s SEO agency Distilled.
Check out this video to learn more about the event:
Also keep an eye out for the upcoming release of the infographic generator which will allow you to easily build infographics with your own data.