Outside of the ecommerce world, healthcare reforms are a big deal. For those of us who eat at their computers however, the real news is Google’s encryption organic search traffic, which eliminated keyword data for online sites.
Below is an overview of what’s Google organic keyword data (not provided) means, along with news and tutorials from ecommerce and SEO professionals.
Google Analytics Keyword Not Provided: What Does It Mean?
Google Search Query Data Before
Until about a week ago if you were an online seller looking to increase site traffic, or determine what searches were leading to your site, you were able to do so through Google Analytics. Progressively, much of that referrer data was unavailable to Analytics users as part of Google’s user protections.
Here is some history on encrypted search data on Google:
Organic Search Traffic and Paid Search– Google
Search Encryption on Google Introducted– Google
Google Encyrpts Signed-In Search Data– SEW
Search Encryption Expanded to all US Google Users (signed in), Globally Signed- In Users.- Google
Encryption extends to Firebox Safari users, and Chrome users.
Google Not Provided Data at 73%– SE Roundtable
Google Search Query Data Now
Google encrypting searches using HTTPS continue to increase, as Google claims to protect user privacy. Which means an end to this free keyword data for merchants or agencies.
Here are some announcements about Google encrypted search:
Organic Search Traffic and Paid Search– Google
How Many Sites Does (Not Provided) Affect? [study]-Moz
The Google Analytics keyword data has included (not provided) data for some time, but the percentage of keywords in this category has been increasing for some time, and is expected to reach 100% e in the near future. You can view the percentage of keywords not provided here.
Google Analytics Keywords Not Provided: Why?
Google notes that the encryption of search is designed to protect user privacy, which many agencies and merchants believe is not he case.
Encrypted Google Search For More Ad Sales
Some would argue that this move is purely revenue based on the part of Google, as one of the major alternatives to finding keyword data is through paid advertising in AdWords.
Google Search Queries For Webmaster Tools Limited To A Year, AdWords Longer– SEW
Cut Out 3rd Party Ad Networks – Search Engine Central
Google Encryption for AdWords Profit- Outspoken Media
SEO’s Reply to (Not Provided) Keywords- SEL
Google Killing Organic Search– SEO Book
Encrypted Google Search For The NSA
Other’s would argue that Google is pushing back from rumored NSA and Prism spying program rumors.
Google alleged in Prism Program– Washington Post
Encrypted Google Search For Mobile Shopping
A less popular but interesting argument looks at cross device attribution and online search, specifically mobile ads.
Keyword Not Provided – Maybe Mobile Is To Blame?-SEL
If you strongly agree with either point, there are online petition here or here.
How Can I Find Where Organic Traffic Is Coming From?
The lack of keywords in Google Analytics for organic search is a major pain in the tuckus for online marketers. However, there are a ton of alternate ways you can find similar data. Here are just a few recommendations:
1. Google AdWords
2. Landing pages in Google Analytics that have been SEO optimized.
3. Site Search In Google Analytics
5. WordPress Search Analytics plug-Ins
6. Anchor Text
7. Internal Site Search Analytics
8. Create a Not Provided filter in Google Analytics
9. Use SEMrush
10. Create a custom report for visits, activity, etc in Analytics
11. Use an Analytics Platoform like Hubspot
12. Consider keyword tools like Google Trends and Ubersuggest
13. Utilize historical keyword data from Analytics
(Not Provided) Google Keyword Data Advice
Rand’s take on dealing with missing organic keyword data – Moz
Smarter Data Analysis of Google’s https (not provided) change: 5 Steps– Occam’s Razor
7 Best SEO Tips for (not provided) Keywords – Above the Fold
What ‘(Not Provided)’ & Google Hummingbird Mean for Small Business SEO [Infographic] -SEW