TED Talk Tuesday: Life Lessons From An Ad Man

Rory Sutherland is a funny guy with deep insights into product marketing. This humorous, delightfully frank TED talk touches on why certain products sell well and the essence of marketing: how perception can alter value and purchase decisions.
This is great content to pass along to your marketing guys. Key takeaways at the bottom.
You knew perception was a huge part of marketing and an equally significant factor in generating sales. But a surprising revelation from this talk is the proven fact that cheap, undervalued products can be completely revamped through developing a new perception around it.
Got under-performing products? It’s possible (and highly intuitive) to focus almost entirely on your top-sellers because they’re your main moneymakers.
Instead, try focusing your efforts on re-branding those under-performers through unique marketing campaigns (just a couple of ways):
In case you missed our previous TED Talk Tuesdays, check them out below:
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