They say that nothing is faster than the speed of light. Well, those of us keeping an eye on social advertising trends might beg to differ. Managing to stay on top, let alone getting out in front of digital marketing trends, can be a challenge for even the best and brightest.
Here’s a recap of a recent post from the Nanigans blog, covering some of the latest trends affecting marketing success on two of the biggest social media platforms, Instagram and Facebook and what they mean for paid social planning in 2016.
1. ROI Reasserts Itself as Chief Client Concern
It will come as no great surprise to anyone who’s ever worked in marketing that return on investment (ROI) will continue to be a major component of most plans in 2016. Thankfully, paid social marketing and other forms of digital advertising have developed and are continuing to develop tools that professionals can use to measure and report on a variety of metrics. And the benefit? All of that adds up to optimizing spend and capitalizing on ROI.
2. Native Advertising Still Reaches Users
As ad avoidance behavior continues to grow across all media, native ads, like the kind hosted on Instagram and Facebook, are still managing to squeak past ad blockers. This offers digital marketers a way to reach consumers who may be almost unreachable with anything resembling traditional advertising.
Given that native advertising is most often paired with other successful forms of content marketing, digital marketers are likely to spend an even larger share of total ad dollars than they have in years past.
3. Instagram Grows Up a Little Bit More This Year
With more than four hundred million worldwide mobile users, it’s hard to argue against the growing importance of Instagram’s native ads being a part of any successful social marketing campaign.
Marketers were granted access to direct response features of Instagram’s ads in 2015, and Instagram advertising is still relatively young – but just about every indicator points to it becoming a major player in the digital landscape of the year to come.
4. Mobile for the Win
The continuing adoption of smart phones by nearly everyone has driven the ongoing domination of mobile. In the year to come, more than fifty percent of all Facebook users will access the site through mobile devices, and through mobile devices alone.
Desktop or web browser users of Facebook will continue to make up a significant piece of the pie, but the smart advertisers will be focusing their advertising, targeting users where they predominately use Facebook – on their smartphones.
Beyond Facebook, mobile social media marketing will continue to be a major player, reaching total ad spends of more than one hundred billion dollars. In the year to come, mobile will account for more than fifty percent of all digital advertising spending across the globe.
5. Data, Analytics, Automation Will Continue to Grow
Look for the coming year to feature even more robust growth in the area of advertising automation on both Instagram and Facebook, with savvy marketers investing in more and deeper data and analytics from both platforms. As paid social marketing continues to mature, maximizing and quantifying ROI will continue to determine where funds are allocated for mobile and other forms of digital advertising.
Tracking and documenting conversion and other success metrics will continue to rely on deeper and more robust data and analytics. As digital marketers become better at understanding how to track their successes and challenges, it will become easier for them to target areas of opportunity and spend accordingly.
Additionally, as ad revenue continues to be tied to automated tracking of individual campaigns and their roll out, marketers will have the tools they need to scale up or to abandon campaigns, depending on their success in hitting targets.