Must Have October Feed Updates

Is your Google Shopping campaign ready for the winter season? You may think you’re ready for Q4, but there is also October and winter traffic you should be taking into account.
October is a huge season for any online merchant with products in the costume category. If you have costumes in your feed, you should be pushing this category now.
To get the most out of your Product Listing Ads campaign, make changes to your data feed and Ad Groups now.
1. Create an AdWords_labels and AdWords_grouping column to identify these products in your data feed (add them if they aren’t already being sent to Google).
2. Create an Ad Group(s) within Google for seasonal products (e.g winter, costumes, heaters)
3. Increase bids for this category.
Create Ad Groups for seasonal products now, and start to increase and test bids.
Add An AdWords Label To Your Data Feed
How To Create Ad Groups For Seasonal Products
“Around this season I usually see an increase in order volume and revenue, so now is the time to build out / bid up to try and get some traction ahead of the curve.”- Jason Bell
Other seasonal items for winter outside of Q4 should also be taken into account for the Q4 shopping season. Think about products which people shop for during the fall and winter such as heaters, winter jackets, snowboards/ski’s,etc.