
Amazon 'Bribes' Consumers to do Their Holiday Shopping Online this Weekend

By Tinuiti Team

In an effort to raise awareness and adoption of their price comparison app for the iPhone and Android Amazon is offering a 5% discount up to $5 this weekend to shoppers  who opt to check prices in physical stores and complete the purchase on Amazon instead. To receive the discount shoppers must use Amazon’s Price Check App while they are out shopping, place the qualifying product into their shopping cart within the application and check out on their mobile devices or PC’s within 24 hours.

According to a recent pricing study by Goldman Sachs, Amazon’s prices for consumer electronics are 7.3% lower than the average price for the same product at big box retailers like Wal-Mart, Target, and Best Buy suggesting that consumers have an additional incentive to try to claim the promotional discount being offered this weekend.

With QR and Bar Code price comparison tools becoming more and more mainstream, it should be interesting to see if and how traditional retailers respond to the specter of thousands of consumers, armed with smartphones, dead set on getting the best deal on their small and big ticket purchases.

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