
Study Reveals Top Online Shopping Destination for 2015

By Tinuiti Team

Study Reveals Top Shopping Destination

As the retail revolution continues to break ground with the addition of new shopping channels – a recent study reveals Amazon is still the number one online shopping destination for holiday buyers in 2015.

The study, conducted by CPC Strategy surveyed 500 males and 500 females ages 18 to 65+ across the US to find out where they will be searching for holiday products this year.

Where’s the first place you go when you know you want to buy a product online?

Results for Males – 500 responses (2015):


Results for Females – 500 responses (2015):



As seen in the results above, approximately half of shoppers will target the Amazon marketplace in search of their favorite items. This data compared to last year (2014)- where we saw similar results (below) from a survey of approximately 1,250 males and 1,250 females.

We ran the male + female survey first, but found that we got few female responses, so we decided to run a separate survey for just women.

Results for Males 1,234 responses (2014):

men 2014

Results for Females – 265 responses (2014):



Second Results for Females – 969 responses (2014):


Amazon Trumps Google Shopping…Again

Another study reflected similar findings stating, “Amazon Is the Starting Point For 44 Percent Of Consumers”. This correlates with a 2013 study by Forrester that found 30 percent of online buyers use Amazon to research products first, while just 13 percent started on Google.

Without a doubt, Amazon continues to dominate the shopping market, growing more each year.

According Morgan Stanley, research shows that more than 50 percent of Amazon’s mobile traffic growth is coming from itsnii-ahene app. Yet it also noted that overall mobile-browser traffic is twice the size of the app market and growing 1.2 times faster.

“It wasn’t so long ago that web users were faced with a slate of options to find information online – Yahoo, Altavista, Excite, Lycos – just to name a few,” Nii A. Ahene, COO at CPC Strategy said.

“Google grew to dominate the space, due to their ability to serve the most relevant results for browsers consistently and as a result the word Google evolved from a noun into a verb. If Amazon’s dominance around product-focused searches continues to grow I don’t think it’s farfetched to see a similar semantic evolution occur around happen in retail search: ‘Amazoning it’.”

For more on CPC Strategy’s latest survey, email [email protected]

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