
How to Add a User to Amazon Seller Central

By Tinuiti Team

When sellers first set up their Amazon Seller Central account, typically only the original registered user can access the features of Seller Central.

Eventually, sellers may opt to share their account with others including a co-worker who wants to manager their orders or handle shipping confirmations.

To add users or adjust user permissions, sellers should use the User Permissions feature.connect-20333_640

Amazon Seller Central uses an invitation model to manage their user accounts.

First, users are invited to create an account on Seller Central to access their storefront; then, the account manager (also called the account administrator) configures the permissions for that user.

According to Amazon, by inviting users into the system and then configuring their permissions, they are assured that the appropriate user accounts are linked to the right owners, and that the correct permissions apply to the intended users.

The invitation model also helps sellers to fully manage user accounts without assistance from an Amazon Payments administrator.

How to add a user to an Amazon Seller Central account:

To set up users, first the account manager must set up the initial account using the Amazon Checkout registration process.

After setting up the initial account, the account manager then compiles a list of people who can access the system and determines the respective rights for those users.

At this point, the account manager is ready to invite new users to Seller Central.

The Amazon Seller invitation process takes three steps:




After the invitation process is complete, the user has a username and password to access the system.

The next step is for the account administrator to assign the appropriate rights to that user.

Step One: The Account Manager Sends the Invitation










Step Two: User Receives Confirmation Code

After clicking the link in the invitation email, the user navigates to a Web page that asks the user to either sign in with an existing Amazon account or to create a new account.

After this is done, a page appears containing a confirmation code. The user then shows the confirmation code to the account manager, and the account manager approves the user and grants rights to the user.

Step Three: User Accesses Seller Central and Creates Account

After the account manager confirms the user, the user can go to to log in to the account.

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